[MOD] P-38J Lightning cockpit, with new working gauges v1.3

JAMF Wrote:Aaaaand... WE'RE LIVE!!! :lol: Confusedhock: :lol: Confusedhock: :lol:

[Image: after2p38.jpg]

Get it here and then extract the file. Please glance over the readme!

Enjoy!!! 8)

You can review the process that brought us here:
(The link is inoperative)[WIP] P-38 Lightning Cockpit Instruments

WTF why have i never noticed the yoke never said Lockheed on it ? Kudos Smile such a enjoyment

Thank you very much, Sir. A big improvement.

Best wishes, Willy.

That's a great job you've done, mate.
I'm frustrated a little since my GFX card is dead, but it's your work that revives me and gives the power to hold on... As I still have my old P4 (with 8400GS Tongue ) to tinkering with TGA files... :lol:
Keep up the good work!


thankyou Big Grin

Loving it, thanks, JAMF! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
No noticeable fps drop in MR, and I'm running now in HR with the occasional 1-2 fps drop, but i'd say the average fps on HR for me is the same as before!Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Lovely stuff! 8)

Thank you all for your kind words. I'm happy you all like it. Poncho should get a lot of credit, as he did the Java and mesh magic.

fly_zo Wrote:.. medium one works best here (1280x1024 LCD )

thank you m8 Big Grin

p.s just wondering ... is there frame makeover somewhere in to do list ? ( it's no biggie if not though)
Well, as I have not installed any separate mods besides UI1.1 yet, I want to install some sounds, maps, effects and aircraft and have a look at Kokoda, BoB and some others. You know, "all work and no play..." Wink So if some real artists want to dabble with it, I'm all for it. Big Grin I have some skills making textures work, but I don't have the skills that for instance Mangas is displaying with his great work on the P-39.

Decon Wrote:Certainly good work!

My EVGA 8800GT 512 SC seems to prefer the LR version. MR and HR still have great FRs but the gauges appear to have no anti aliasing.......Odd!

The detail is superb!
Thx Decon. I noticed that on my Leadtek (Winfast) 8800GT too, running 1400x1050. I can only suspect that the sharp edges and high contrast don't help. The low res version has more blurred edges, so that hides the harsh lines.

Pooch Wrote:Skull, Lightnings never got the "acemaker."
I can imagine some pilots trading a case of something or other, to get his personal field mod, but allas no proof so far and not an official install. If someone has some proof of a field mod, it would sure be nice to know. Smile

Hellzone Wrote:WTF why have i never noticed the yoke never said Lockheed on it ? Kudos Smile such a enjoyment
As is written in the readme, there is also another Lockheed option for the grip included.

Mangas Wrote:That's a great job you've done, mate.
I'm frustrated a little since my GFX card is dead, but it's your work that revives me and gives the power to hold on... As I still have my old P4 (with 8400GS Tongue ) to tinkering with TGA files... :lol:
Keep up the good work!
Would be interesting to know what everyone's framerates are, sitting on the concrete runway in DF map 5 with engines running? Shift+TAB and type: fps START SHOW. Maybe people can PM me the fps they get, together with their OS, CPU, RAM, resolution, "perfect" or not and graphics card?

What a beauty. Huge improvement over stock, thanks!

page 404, link not working Sad

HMMM? I get to the link ok but clicking 'download the file' produces nothing ? Noticed this with mediafire recently on AOL never had a prob before - will try in IE

OK - works in Firefox with incredibly slow d/l speed but no joy in IE7 or AOL ?

Saburo Sakai Wrote:page 404, link not working Sad
Uploading to Rapidshare now, with a slow 50k upload speed. 1/10th of Mediafire. Standby, will add the link to the first post when it's done. ETA 7 minutes.

[EDIT]First post updated

making153 Wrote:...but no joy in IE7 or AOL ?
I wouldn't want to be caught using those. Wink I guess there are others DL it now too. Try the alternate link in the updated first post.

It might go faster if you tried DownThemAll?

Very Nice!


I'm not much into Modding myself, but just what would I need to know to change the Picture of the girls in the Modded pits to my own Dame.

And then be able to add it to my other Modded pits?

TOAD, go here: viewtopic.php?t=7963&highlight=girlfriend+pics
read through the thread, you'll find what you need to know there... 8)

I typed out a reply, but then it wouldn't submit. It wasn't lost, so I'll paste it anyway, or else all that typing was wasted. Wink

T_O_A_D Wrote:I'm not much into Modding myself, but just what would I need to know to change the Picture of the girls in the Modded pits to my own Dame.

Any graphics editing programme that can handle TGAs will do. I'll just mention two free ones: Paint.NET and GIMP. I prefer using Paint.NET, as it's smaller, faster and with less options also less confusing.

Image size is ca. 155-160 wide, by 180-190 high. If you resize your image to that, you can (copy with [CTRL+C] and then) paste it as a new layer into the Panel.TGA...

...with [CTRL+SHIFT+V], then move it into position if you click on the "blue" arrow (top right of the tools) {or press key M} and rotate it by grabbing a virtual/imaginary point (outside the image, it increases accuracy of the rotation) with using the right mouse-button.

I don't know the "paste as new layer" key-combo for GIMP, so it would require the use of the menu.
EDIT-> Paste As -> new layer. Then move it into position if you click on the move tool from the toolbox (Blue cross with arrow endings) {or press key M}. Rotating the image is done with the rotate tool (3 icons to the right of move) {Or press key combo [Shift+R]} and using the left mouse-button.

Merge layer down and save as 24Bit TGA (No RLE compression).

I don't know the "paste as new layer" key-combo for GIMP, so it would require the use of the menu.

Ctrl+V, followed by Ctrl+Shift+N. Ctrl+H merges the pasted layer into the active layer (as does clicking outside of the selection area). GIMP can be very confusing on this point, because everything is pasted as a new temporary layer (there is no "paste as -> new layer" menu option in my version). To make the temporary layer into a permanent layer, you have to right click the pasted layer and select "layer -> new layer" (or use the key shortcut).

GIMP's user interface is the very antithesis of intuitive and the scripting language is pure pain, but the program itself can be very powerful.

Very nice work on the cockpit, by the way, but even the medium resolution textures give me pretty horrible aliasing when zoomed out.

AHA! Poking around in fb_3do06, it seems that, for some inexplicable reason, mipmapping is turned off for all of the panel textures. I've extracted gauges1.mat through gauges4.mat and changed "tfMipMap 0" to "tfMipMap 1" -- that fixed most of the problem. I'll go through and find the other textures that need mipmapping later.

Great work on the textures, though, thanks!

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