
Submitted to AAA

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[Image: qpsqalxkmx.thumb500.jpg]

Not sure how to link an image,but the RAF did use Libs over Europe in schemes like madcat's. Notably 100 group in an EW capacity , Nice skin Madcat, I did one years ago but for it wwas lost along with IL2 Skins .


gibson097 Wrote:Not sure how to link an image,but the RAF did use Libs over Europe in schemes like madcat's. Notably 100 group in an EW capacity , Nice skin Madcat, I did one years ago but for it wwas lost along with IL2 Skins .

You select the URL you pasted. (With mouse, or set cursor at beginning and while holding shift down, hit [END] key)

Then you click the "Img" button above (when in the edit/reply window). It's in the row that looks like:
B i u Quote Code List List= Img URL

So you get
[EDIT] Broken images Smile That site doesn't like outside linking, or the URLs don't work.

You could also put [img ] (URL goes here) [/img ] manually (without spaces). Make sure you do the codes in small fonts, as caps don't work. So [IMG ] (URL goes here) [/IMG ] doesn't work.

[EDIT2] Which one on this page? 100 Group?:


JAMF thank you for the help. The second link is the 100 group Aircraft. The first link also links to it if you scroll all the way down. I have just been reading about 100 group operations using a variety of aircraft including the Liberator and Fortress and others, full of electronic wizadry to monitor and jam Luftwaffe Nightfighter operations, fascinating stuff.

download below


Thanks alot for this skin, Madcat, I've used it all the time online and in single player since the test version. Its good to finally have a British heavy bomber to fly!

Hope to see you online sometime.


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