Problems saving maps

I would like to help on this issue, use UI1.1 and I have a problem with the rescue of the maps, you see better.
Opening the FMB, and creating a new mission at the time of the rescue mission appears to go perfectly normal, until I decide to leave dall'FMB, play me again again the question, (DO YOU WANT TO SAVE THE MISSION?). Confusedhock:

Then I go to launch the mission in the folder but no trace of it disappeared into practice has not been saved, how can I fix this?
Help me please. Cry

Sorry my English by the translator.

I hope you understand the problem....


Seems you do not have some objects. Please install the 1.1.1 patch located here

(The link is inoperative)

If you have installed the 1.1.1 and are still having issues please check the map name you are working on and post again in this thread.

Good luck

Thank you very much Monguse I hope to solve the problem :wink:

i have the same problem but i have mod activator can anyone tell me wat to do?? when i go to the missions file in the game root file, i see only one of the file of the mission i saved, usually i see two, and when i open it, nothing is in it. its the descriction file, but i never type the mission briefing.

Monguse Thanks for your help, but unfortunately I was not able to eliminate the problem, one of the many maps that you particularly like the English Channel, 3BG-KTO, etc. ... how can I fix it? :evil:

I am aware of the KTO map but have not tested it. What I can tell you is that we had a similar problem with the Philippines map not able to save. The problem with the Philippines map in not allowing to save was due to objects used in the definition (actor.static) not being installed in the users folders. If you never encountered any issues until you installed the KTO map then that would be a good place to start.

Just to clarify, if you open FMB using the channel map and place an object then save it as a mission, does it produce a mis file? If it does, my guess is you are probably loading a mission file of the channel map, editing and then saving. Then then finding that a new mission was not created based on your edit.

If this does happen, the problem is in one of the objects used within the mis file which you don't have in your static.ini

Hope this helps.

Monguse Wrote:I am aware of the KTO map but have not tested it. What I can tell you is that we had a similar problem with the Philippines map not able to save. The problem with the Philippines map in not allowing to save was due to objects used in the definition (actor.static) not being installed in the users folders. If you never encountered any issues until you installed the KTO map then that would be a good place to start.

Just to clarify, if you open FMB using the channel map and place an object then save it as a mission, does it produce a mis file? If it does, my guess is you are probably loading a mission file of the channel map, editing and then saving. Then then finding that a new mission was not created based on your edit.

If this does happen, the problem is in one of the objects used within the mis file which you don't have in your static.ini

Hope this helps.

my problem was that it doesnt produce an mis file. even when i save the mission with no objects at all except for a plane i will drive

Because so far I have tried almost all the maps with negative results, I wanted to see if the (BLDCon.ini) has to do with this kind of problem.
I enclose what is inside of my bldconf.ini:
I have tried them all, but unfortunately I have to surrender can only play the maps created by others and not by me. Cry

[builder config]
bShowGrid false
bShowName true
bViewRunaway true
bShowTime true
bShowArmy [3,true,true,true]
iLightLand 255
iconSize 16
bViewBridge true
bAnimateCamera false
bActorOnLand true
bSaveViewHLand false
bShowLandscape true
iLightDestruction 128
iWaterLevel 191

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