FMB Problem

Yesterday i wanted to make a mission on FMB. I opened the FMB, but when I press ''File'' there only comes ''Exit'' and when i press exit, nothing happens.

i have that too, it's something with the maps , i think Confusedhock: :?

thats wierd, never happened to me in the past. i would say grab a fresh copy of bldconfig.ini (i think that is what its called) and see if that works.

EDIT: then again, i know very little about this game, so only do what i say if you think it would help.
EDIT AGAIN: i could upload my bldconfig.ini (again, i think thats what its called) for you if you like. i wouldn't be able to do it for about an hour though, im not at home yet.

Here you go, just put this into your bldconf.ini in the IL-2 folder and see if that helps.

[builder config]
bShowGrid true
bShowName false
bViewRunaway true
bShowTime true
bShowArmy [3,true,true,true]
iLightLand 255
iconSize 16
bViewBridge true
bAnimateCamera true
bActorOnLand true
bSaveViewHLand false
bShowLandscape true
iLightDestruction 128
iWaterLevel 191

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