Jet engine trouble

Just found out, its all jet engines, they just wont start.

Original Post.
Quote:i start my mission in my AR234B-2, and my RATO packs have "plugs" in them and i have no way to start my engines with them in, is there a way to remove the plugs, and why has it never happened before???

You need to map control keys for separate engine select.

i have...
  • Shift 1 = 1
  • Shift 2 = 2
  • Shift 2 = 2
  • Shift 3 = 3
  • Shift 4 = 4
also, i use a gamepad and the D-pad is used for
  • L = Left Engines
  • R = Right Engines
  • U = All engines
  • D = Deselect all

a screenshot of these "plugs" would be helpful

and when you mean start engines, do you mean your plane's own engines, or the Ratos?

i mean the actual engines, th RATO's cannot be controlled be us...(thought i didnt know that didn't you Tongue)
and heres a screenshot. (which i screwed around with for the hell of it)

[Image: fu51kz.jpg]

so, where are these plugs?

there is only one in that image, but it is the round thing that is sticking out of the RATO

that is the rato's parachute. it is supposed to be there.

thought you knew THAT. :wink:

i dont like you anymore, go away TongueTongue :lol: . why cant i start my engine then lol Tongue

what the fizzle???? its all jet planes...i just tried a MiG and it did the same thing...whats going on?????

Abel, maybe it has something to do with the map you are using, or the airfield. I know that the jet planes do not work (engine start) on some of the new maps.
I had a similar problem on a map, i think it was asheshouse' BOF map, but it could have been another.
Which map/airfield are you using in this case?
Try on one of the default maps, and see if the problem persists... :wink:

im using a default map, "northwest europe". ill try on my other mission i am working on, and see if its just the map (if it is ill be p***ed, i spent almost an hour just doing the runway lights.

Im p***ed :x

heheh.....well. at least the mystery is solved. Big Grin
don't feel too bad, i was making a template for the Lybia map, and after i had set up telephone poles on all the roads on the whole map, i then lost the misssion due to corrupted files. i don't want to know how many hours that took me.... :?

i hate it when things go wrong lol. grrrr. oh well, life moves on Smile

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