Feedback on maps of U.S.

Maps of the United States would be interesting, but to make them look good, you'd need to create a whole bunch of ground objects - like 1940s-era U.S. style houses, barns and commercial buildings. Also, be aware that many parts of the U.S. have changed radically in the last 60+ years, especially along the coasts. In the South especially, the population was much lower, there wasn't nearly as much suburban sprawl, no interstate highways, many secondary roads were still unpaved, and the fields looked a bit different since soybeans weren't a major crop, also many of the flood control projects along the coasts and major rivers hadn't been put into place, so there were more extensive wetlands. For example, your map of the Mississippi Delta reflects modern data. In the 1940s, it wouldn't have been nearly as eroded. If you're a stickler for accuracy, you'll need to modify your STRM data using old USGS or U.S. Army Corps of Engineers maps. For information about airports, some (academic) libraries still hav Jeppson charts from approximately the right era.

it would be cool to have the Alaskin islands where the japonease invaded.
Lake MI is cool to but u have to have the sand doons, those are fun to dirtbike over Big Grin

A good idea could be a great map of the USA and before the beginning of dynamic campaigns, create a theatre of operations in the USA to make the training schools of fighters, bombers or transports. Simulate dogfights, bombing missions with the alternative blue USA. This could open great opportunities.

EDIT: I know there will be a problem, the map should have an area of 3000km*3000km (much bigger than the Coral Sea map) and the problem will be the loading of static objects.

Stateside training areas would be a great addition to this sim.

+1 for wisconsin. i would like the southwest since thats where i live, but lake michigan is bordering too. im not making requests. just saying tht i think you should definatly keep going on these

Great idea, but; please, don't add objects around the airfields (too many maps are destroyed by their own creators), leave this to the mission makers/target area modders.....please. Just a nice clean map is what map makers should be creating. Too many times I go to create a online dogfight mission map and low and behold ...yep objects just thrown down here and there. getting back on track this map that your talking about would be good for a U-boat seek and destroy mission.

Kind regards


[quote="Russ_Ace"]it would be cool to have the Alaskin islands where the japonease invaded.

There already is a map of the Aleutians for download

I had read where a japanese plane did hit Oragon once in hopes to start a forest fire.
heres the text from the story...
September 9th, 1942: The Japanese finally stop relying on the skills of the gunners on their submarines. Clearly, this isn't working. A new strategy is developed, wherein a small aircraft (specifically, a Yukosuka E14Y Seaplane) is launched from atop a submarine, where it proceeds to fly over the forests of Oregon, dropping bombs and, hopefully, starting massive and uncontrollable forest fires, thereby sending all of America into a panic under the great Japanese might. The first part of the task is a complete success.

The plane is launched, the bomb is dropped, and a fire is started. A few Americans witness the event and respond quickly to the scene of the explosion, and with some help from some local firemen, the fire is put out by the following morning. While two bombs were apparently dropped on Oregon, there has never been any trace of a second bomb. It would probably be quite the collector

Venatore Wrote:Great idea, but; please, don't add objects around the airfields (too many maps are destroyed by their own creators), leave this to the mission makers/target area modders.....please. Just a nice clean map is what map makers should be creating. Too many times I go to create a online dogfight mission map and low and behold ...yep objects just thrown down here and there. getting back on track this map that your talking about would be good for a U-boat seek and destroy mission.

Kind regards


I dont plan to over do the airfields so don't worry, my problem is custom objects like olc civil war forts that are all over this area, I dont have the 3D modeling experience to do them....

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