Palm Trees in Desert Maps

I've had the mod for palmtrees, Jaypack_44Palms installed for quite a while and in several different install versions.

The thing is though, that I never seem to get it to show palmtrees in a map. I've tried using different camouflage types in the map load.ini, focusing on the obvious option of 'DESERT', but that does not work either.

So I was wondering if anyone has any more knowledge on how to get palm trees to show up on maps using this mod? is there any specific trigger or line that needs to be changed in a load.ini or in ny other file?

A small detail, but on desert country maps it's really hard to reconcile those full branched trees of northern climes in desert landscapes ...

The default trees can never be replaced by Palm trees..... they can only be placed upon a map or mission by the map-maker or mission builder as new Objects

Well, I want to go in directly opposite way Tongue

Even though I have a modern rig (E8400 and HD4850) the palm trees causes a huge FPS drop when they are in sight. I would be glad if there is a way to disable the palm trees or better - lower their quality (level of detail).

Can it be done :?:

kstoff.... the only way i can think of is this......

If the map maker or mission builder has added palm trees....they will be either default types or new Objects as mods.

You cannot simply delete or disable the Palm tree entries in your static.ini or this will cause map saving problems.

If they are mod trees you can simply go to their folder in MODS and disable them by adding a - to the front of their name..... this will simply cause them to not appear....

if they are default palm trees then this will not work

if you are making your own map then the problem does not arise as you simply do not add the trees.

Well, I figure I should probably chime in on this... my mod does nothing more than change the textures for the palm tree objects that are placeable in the FMB. (I think the object numbers are around 175 or so) So, the mod won't change any of the auto-generated trees or anything like that. If anything, for the desert maps, the auto-generated trees should be acacia-ish or scrub type trees, as those types are much more common than the palms. That would be a nice mod, though...

In that case... if Kstoff is using your tree pack then he could open each of your tga files in photoshop and reduce their quality

just something for his own use at home

Jaypack44 Wrote:Well, I figure I should probably chime in on this... my mod does nothing more than change the textures for the palm tree objects that are placeable in the FMB. (I think the object numbers are around 175 or so) So, the mod won't change any of the auto-generated trees or anything like that. If anything, for the desert maps, the auto-generated trees should be acacia-ish or scrub type trees, as those types are much more common than the palms. That would be a nice mod, though...

Well, that solves that mystery. I thought that your mod changed the auto generated trees into palm trees. Which would have been very nice and useful.

Maybe something related then - does anyone know of any tree TEXTURES that are palm trees? We have sk, it, rom, cultivated tree textures and so on ... but no palm trees that I know off. Anyone know anything of the availability of a palm tree texture?

There is a Copra (cultivated coconut plantation) texture in the Slot map

fabianfred Wrote:There is a Copra (cultivated coconut plantation) texture in the Slot map

So there is ... never noticed it and this might come in very handy for some other maps - Iraq for instance or Syria ... desert places. It needn't be copra. Could also be dates ... thanks for the tip.

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