Exporting Objects from .mis files to Maps

I have found several nicely made mission templates, in .mis form, which contain ready made airfields, factory complexes, cities etc ... these can imported into the FMB and used as a basis to create new flyable missions.

But I was wondering if there is anyway for the objects contained in these .mis files, to be copied and then used in making and populating a map in the Map-Maker version of the FMB?

I've been trying various things, but it seems the Map-Maker will not open .mis files, and neither does opening and closing from one version of the game to another work.

Are there any (nifty) tools for this kind of thing? Something like that would be a great help to creating maps.

You could extract the actors file of the map your working on with the Actors tool,then take the .mis file and copy the text from [Buildings] over to the outBuildings.txt that is produced when extracting the actors.
rename .txt files back to inBuildings along with other needed files, and re-compile the actors up with your new .mis file Buildings added to it.

EasyRider Wrote:You could extract the actors file of the map your working on with the Actors tool,then take the .mis file and copy the text from [Buildings] over to the outBuildings.txt that is produced when extracting the actors.
rename .txt files back to inBuildings along with other needed files, and re-compile the actors up with your new .mis file Buildings added to it.

When you say the actor's tool, I take it you mean Zuti's Actor Management Tool? I hope so at any rate ... this is a tool that I have an inkling (nothing more than an inkling mind you) of how to use.

I do however understand the principle of your explanation for which thanks.

I'm not familiar with Zuti's Actor Tools.

What I would use would be Actors Lite from the basic map tools pack
(The link is inoperative)

As Easy was describing you would use "extract" function to extract various out*.txt files from an actors file.

If you look at outBuildings.txt you will see that the format is the same as in a mission file.
Cut and paste the buildings text from the *.mis file

Then use the "create" function to create a new actors file.

Be careful that the new buildings will not overlay an area which is already populated.


I'm not familiar with Zuti's Actor Tools

Well, I just tried it on Zuti's and it doesn't seem to work

The tools you give have never worked for me on my install. Must be a java conflict or something. Or so I have been told. I will perhaps try it out on another machine though, now that I am motivated ... thanks

What we really need is decent Tutorials for actors tools. Like step by step instructions with excamples. I've been struggling to learn actors tools and i need that tool badly because i'm currently populating Andalucia and i'm at the limit of actors.static size.
The instructions icluded are too general for novice like me :oops:

Have a look in this folder. http://www.mediafire.com/file/zak3ded1xkz/Italian Front Project.zip
This is a worked example showing how to break down an existing actors to create a smaller working file.

The folder includes a new actors_00SE.static which covers the Verona area (50km square)
The readme.txt gives you a tutorial on how I created it.

I've also included the required tools.
Actors Lite and Actors Cut & Shift.

This was produced as a guide for work on the WWI Italian Front map.
Only the actors file from the map set is included in the folder.
The map is not yet available but the notes can be applied to any other map.

Actors C&S has an intermittent bug affecting the "shift" function, but it has no effect on the "cut" function.
A bug report has gone to LSA.


asheshouse Wrote:Have a look in this folder. http://www.mediafire.com/file/zak3ded1xkz/Italian Front Project.zip
This is a worked example showing how to break down an existing actors to create a smaller working file.

The folder includes a new actors_00SE.static which covers the Verona area (50km square)
The readme.txt gives you a tutorial on how I created it.

I've also included the required tools.
Actors Lite and Actors Cut & Shift.

This was produced as a guide for work on the WWI Italian Front map.
Only the actors file from the map set is included in the folder.
The map is not yet available but the notes can be applied to any other map.

Actors C&S has an intermittent bug affecting the "shift" function, but it has no effect on the "cut" function.
A bug report has gone to LSA.

Thank you, man. Mr Lowfighter was about to teach me the Actors tools and he send some Tuts to me, but i managed to lost them and the links as well :oops: .
And then he left.... What ever happened to him? He was a real friendly and helpfull chap. And he liked my maps :!:
Downloading now!
I migh have question or 2. I will post them to this thread and if i ever get that tool to work, i will be more than happy to help others too!
Instructions at read me file looks good. I will try it during weekend with TIB Andalucia map.

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