Fw-190F-8/G-8 Bug

[Image: Fw-190G-8_bug.jpg]

should I comment further? I think the problem is obvious...why's that? any ideas?

What bug? :???:

Look at the propellers :wink:

what bug???????????

jack1 Wrote:what bug???????????

the prop is in the cowling

Hold on... Ok is this plane a Modded version with all the loadouts?

Ok first I would speak to danzigzag about the problem, or you could re-install it and see if that works...

I'll download and have a look 8)


a modded version with all the loadouts yes....I tried to re-istall it twice, yet again the same, but be aware, my zip file was in my folder for almost two months and I installed it yesterday.If there has been a slight change in the zip file, possilbly this can fix the problem.I 'll downloaded again, and see what happens...

re-download, re-install, nothing...again the same problem.

i have a vanilla UI 1.2 install and can't reproduce the bug with a FW190 F-8

Oh yes, in my totally clean UI 1.2 installation is working fine (it's the only non-standard addition I 've added so far).It's obvious that I have in my other installation something that is conflicting with it.Nothing that I can think of.I have no idea what it might be.It may have to do with the SKINMOD, but so many people use the SKINMOD.Or with the CaptFlashGardens cockpit.But the cockpit itself works perfectly.

problem solved - it was created by the old remmik animated propeler mod (v1.0)

thanks all for you help.

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