[WIP] KTO Map Upgrade {Taking Requests}

[WIP] KTO Map Upgrade {Taking Requests}

The Fantastic UI 1.2 from AAA, plus the new Mig & Saber from PeterD has been the muse I

FANTASTIC, I will query my squadron mates right now. We have been flying campaigns exclusively in the Korea theater now for months! This new UI 1.2 just added to our joy and your additions will make it even better!

How 'bout, Osan-Ni Air Base, K-55. Don't think I saw that one.
I also noticed that the existing airfields don't have T/O & Landing points at each end of the runway. Just a thought.
Love your map. Tried to use other maps to simulate Korea but since yours came out, nothing else even comes close.
Thanx a lot for sharing. Even though on my machine it takes forever to load, it's worth the wait.

I will vote for a more dense populated cities and villages, that's the only thing that I will add into the map. More buildings in the cities

Well i got couple things:

First of all the 2d map, the one you "can" navigate from, well it is a mess. I can hardly navigate form it, because there are no roads, vilages, forests indicated in it. It is the most serious matter with the map.

This map really coud use some retexturing, bacause everywhere i look there is forests, even when there is no 3d forest are there. Oh and the big yellow lines, what supose to be the roads are a bit funy too.

The map could seriously use some small vilages, i've noticed that it has medium and small sized vilages, but they are not populated.

A better road/railway system should be implemented, and some new airstrips.

Mechanist Wrote:Well i got couple things:

First of all the 2d map, the one you "can" navigate from, well it is a mess. I can hardly navigate form it, because there are no roads, vilages, forests indicated in it. It is the most serious matter with the map.

This map really coud use some retexturing, bacause everywhere i look there is forests, even when there is no 3d forest are there. Oh and the big yellow lines, what supose to be the roads are a bit funy too.

The map could seriously use some small vilages, i've noticed that it has medium and small sized vilages, but they are not populated.

A better road/railway system should be implemented, and some new airstrips.

If this thread turns disrespectful it will be shut down. First Warning.
Some Cities and Villages aren't fully populated to allow missions builders freedom, and to prevent low end systems from having issues.

As a mission builder, what I like are double runways at the airfields. This gives me more flexibility in taking off and landing flights. For instance, 8 planes lined up on a runway looks almost silly and takes forever to get all of them airborn. With 2 runways, I can put 4 planes on each one and have them take off at the same time. Big difference.

Also, I think the last thing we need are more buildings that most players will never see. The KTO map is already one of the biggest and most resource-intensive maps we have. More buildings will just slow down the mission even more.

*As a side note, I assume you still have the issues we talked about recently and I don't need to post them again?


Whoaa, easy there capt. I don't think Mechanist was trying to be disrespectful but rather pointing out some flaws that could be fixed. Many people are used to having the more professional totally finished IL2 maps so they expect the same quality from us inexperienced map-makers.

This was your first map, right? You did great just by getting Korea available to everyone when no one else wanted to do it. You did an excellent job populating Inchon and the airfields. Of course, everyone would like to see more populated towns but like you said you've limited it because of memory usage.

It'll be good to see the Chosin area reworked and the new airfields. Personally, I'd like to see the Pusan Perimeter upgraded for more realistic ground attack missions but I'm not expecting too much. Everyone always expects more, more, and better, but as we know, it's not that easy.

Link to my MEDIAFIRE downloads page: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=11eb9c2dafe61348e7c82ed4b8f0c380e04e75f6e8ebb871">http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=11eb ... f6e8ebb871</a><!-- m -->

CzechTexan Wrote:Personally, I'd like to see the Pusan Perimeter upgraded for more realistic ground attack missions but I'm not expecting too much.

Do you have any suggestions as to how this could be accomplished in your opinon. The suggestions are welcomed and will help.


Check your PM.

Dixie, I greatly appreciate what you've done for the game.
Machines on the extremely low end however do indeed take forever loading it. Your intended additions sound absolutely great, but my little rig may blow a gasket trying to handle it. Is there any chance of splitting it, perhaps two sections for both summer and winter? Not being a mapper myself, I have no idea if this would be a nightmare to do or not.
Regardless, you're still the guy who added another war to the game, and hat's off for that!

can u build a little figure of grace kelly to wave me off at the docks in japan? :roll:

seriously - love this map.

Dixiecapt Wrote:If this thread turns disrespectful it will be shut down. First Warning.
Some Cities and Villages aren't fully populated to allow missions builders freedom, and to prevent low end systems from having issues.

Well english is not my native language, I didn't understand the fine line between the politeness and rudeness.

I didn't meant to be rude, i was just write my thoughts down on this issue. I don't like to get strong critics of my work too, but as some of us in my country says: "truth is truth, even if it is hanged and tortured it remains truth".

But look at this way, you are the chief so you decide what will be fixed/added and what will not. And we should be happy with it because it will be more when it is finished then what was in the beginning.

My apologies for my harshness, subject closed.

Now lets move on with building an upgrade list.


A note on the Runways.

I built Kimpo, Kunsan, and Pusan off historical documents I had. They didn't have double runways at the time. However, I am going to work double runways (takeoff points) at Pohang for the Marines, and Suwon for USAAF Sabers.

A Note on take off points.

Alot of the current Airfields on KTO have one runway WP (denoting a one way traffic runway) because of terrain, or airbase design restrictions. It's not an issue for most fighters, but alot of these airbases I wanted capable of taking a fully loaded C-47, or even a wounded B-29.

First of all, thank you so much for this wonderful map.

Well, my first request would be the sea rescue facility and improvised airstrip at Cho-do Island.

[Image: dsc00112mq.th.jpg]

My second request would be any of the communist airfields south of the Yalu; Saamcham, Taechon, or (especially) Namsi.
(One of the largest air battles of the war was fought over Namsi). Also, adding the town of Sinuiju just opposite of the river to
Dandong would be most welcome.

I would also echo the desire for a few more strategic targets, such as factories or railyards.

[Image: dsc00077ac.th.jpg]

Perhaps you could include a low density static.ini for those with lower specs.

Not a request, but a references if you need it:

A map of almost all K sites in Korea:
http://www.afhra.af.mil/shared/media/do ... 11-101.pdf

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