[Map request] MIG ALLEY map

Hi every body ^^ for the korea war we need a real 1/1 Mig Alley Map.
Why ? :
- Kimpo - Mig Alley 200 miles = 20 minutes figthing for the saber before to be "Short Petrol" like in the reality
- Mig vs Sabre will be more interesting

This is the ideal map :

[Image: coree_mig_alley.jpg]

I hope that map will be a reality in my game because i have to say i dont know how to make a map and i've no time to try to do one.


The KTO map we have is quite good. You can always "scale" your fuel supply by taking less than 100%. Also, a 1 to 1 map is only going to help if the Sabre's fuel burn rate is accurate and I would not count on that.

Quote:1 to 1 map is only going to help if the Sabre's fuel burn rate is accurate

It's the case with the Histomod Korea Pack Mod

Quote:You can always "scale" your fuel supply by taking less than 100%

No for a good reason you will fly without supply dump this is not historic and your plane will be better in manoeuvrability.

To finish The Mig Alley area in the KTO Map is too small ! you travel it too quickly with a Mig 15 or a F86

I'd be happy to make a basic map of this area - but right now I can't commit to anything further than that - just a basic map, flyable with textured terrain, rivers and possibly roads and a small actors with airfield and a few objects so that it is flyable.

But anything more, populating with objects, is something I just don't have time for. If anyone wishes to take it from there they would be welcome to do so.

It is also possible to have others make mis files, mission files, that contain objects for building a city, village, hamlet, supply dumps or whatever, which can then be imported into the map itself. This way, it would not be necessary for others to be able to work in map maker. Working in the FMB would be sufficient ..


Do you ever sleep? A new map? Again? Confusedhock:

Thanks in advance! Big Grin 8)

DBCooper Wrote:agracier,

Do you ever sleep? A new map? Again? Confusedhock:

Thanks in advance! Big Grin 8)

The older you get, the less you sleep ... ha ha

But seriously - making a basic map, one without objects, is not a great deal of work. I'd say compared to time and effort spent in populating a map, even halfway decently, that making a basic map takes about one tenth of the time needed to populate, maybe even less ... in fact, if you have your map area chosen ahead of time and the DEM made (I've got gigabytes downloaded and saved), and just need to crop to the desired area, then a basic map without differentiated textures (with one texture only) can be finished in about 45 minutes time ... skinning an aircraft is much more meticulous and demanding work.

I've done dozens of basic maps just to see how terrain looks and feels and many end up on the scrap heap.

But please don't forget - I can make a basic map for this area, but from there on you'll have to see what happens ...

And also remember.. it needs to be of a size and scale that it can actually run on everyones PC Smile

JG14_Jagr Wrote:And also remember.. it needs to be of a size and scale that it can actually run on everyones PC Smile

Did a quick look and i have something like 325 x 250 km in size ... not too big but not very small either. 6500 x 4500 pixels for My_mapc, the largest sized map. Lots of rivers though - which means mostly drawing them by hand ...

Ty Agracier ^^ it will already a lot if you make that

Thx again

OK guys ... here you go.


Now, just to be clear - this is a basic map. It has but ONE texture at the moment, a standard lowland green. Very inappropriate for Korea, but I just choose a handy texture that everyone will have, used a standard load.ini, and deleted all entries except for the texture now showing. In the coming days, I'll put in more textures, assign textures to what i hope will be an appropriate colorscheme and type, maybe put in some roads, but from what I've seen on the on-line maps, North Korea is not amused when satellite imagery of their country is put on-line. So we'll see how that works out.

Anyway, this map is flyable. Take a spin in your Sabre, check out the relief and the rivers, get a feel for the landscape.

In the coming days I'll finish out the rest - texture the map, put in roads, jazz up the FMB map (which is always fun) and other odds and ends. From there on, it's up to someone else when it comes to populating, making cities, villages, airfields etc.

Making the map up till now took about 30 minutes for the map making process in GIMP and utilities. But the river system, rather extended took, about 4 hours, had to be drawn by hand ... and as you can see the Yalu is apparently no Rio Grande.

Place the folder 'ag_Korea' in this location:


and add this line to your all.ini:
ag_Korea ag_Korea/load.ini

Have fun and if anyone feels inspired to create anything for this map, please by all means do. I can always import objects from .mis (mission) files.

And any suggestions are always welcome ...

agracier Wrote:OK guys ... here you go.


Now, just to be clear - this is a basic map. It has but ONE texture at the moment, a standard lowland green. Very inappropriate for Korea, but I just choose a handy texture that everyone will have, used a standard load.ini, and deleted all entries except for the texture now showing. In the coming days, I'll put in more textures, assign textures to what i hope will be an appropriate colorscheme and type, maybe put in some roads, but from what I've seen on the on-line maps, North Korea is not amused when satellite imagery of their country is put on-line. So we'll see how that works out.

Anyway, this map is flyable. Take a spin in your Sabre, check out the relief and the rivers, get a feel for the landscape.

In the coming days I'll finish out the rest - texture the map, put in roads, jazz up the FMB map (which is always fun) and other odds and ends. From there on, it's up to someone else when it comes to populating, making cities, villages, airfields etc.

Making the map up till now took about 30 minutes for the map making process in GIMP and utilities. But the river system, rather extended took, about 4 hours, had to be drawn by hand ... and as you can see the Yalu is apparently no Rio Grande.

Place the folder 'ag_Korea' in this location:


and add this line to your all.ini:
ag_Korea ag_Korea/load.ini

Have fun and if anyone feels inspired to create anything for this map, please by all means do. I can always import objects from .mis (mission) files.

And any suggestions are always welcome ...
This amazing! You have soon covered the whole planet....

kapteeni Wrote:This amazing! You have soon covered the whole planet....

No way ... ha ha ... boy, if there's one thing I've found out with map making, then it's that the earth is stupendously huge!

Ty for the map but but we have juste the Mig alley pls extend the map to the south, to Seoul pls

gunter Wrote:Ty for the map but but we have juste the Mig alley pls extend the map to the south, to Seoul pls

You asked for Mig Alley as shown on your inset in the first post. If you extend to Seoul, it will just about double the height of the map. From 5700 x 4100 pixels to around 7000 pixels high ... that would be on the large size ... you have no idea what it will mean to populate the map even as it now is ... don't forget that when doubling measurements, you end up quadrupling surface areas ...

Besides, I'm just testing the first texturing of the map ... and it's not easy to extend a map. That would mean starting over from the beginning ... Il-2 maps are hard to re size once made ...

Here are a few screenshots of a first colorscheme - something on the greenish side with a hint of brown ...

[img][Image: Korea-01.jpg]

[/img][Image: Korea-06.jpg]

[img][Image: Korea-05.jpg]

[/img][Image: Korea-04.jpg]

[img][Image: Korea-03.jpg]

[/img][Image: Korea-02.jpg]

Tomorrow I'll try out some other color schemes ... I have no real experience of how that part of the world looks. And while on-line photos are a help, in the end you can justify many degrees of variation in predominant colors of landscapes. It ends usually choosing colors and textures that give a good impression of what one's expectations of a landscape are ...

Anyone with insights on the landscape is always welcome to share. For instance, I have no definitive thoughts yet on what degree of cultivation to show - cultivated fields are often difficult to integrate with other textures so it can be a toss up on what to do ...

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