[MOD] Big Bombs Explosion Effects [Final Version]

Thank you!
I just love it! 8)

The explosion looks a lot better, but the nice smoke tex does not load. It still uses the old smoke. It must be because of some other mod. I would be pleased if i could just disabel any mod to use the "big bombs" for some movie making.

Thank you, r4xm.

wimsma Wrote:The explosion looks a lot better, but the nice smoke tex does not load. It still uses the old smoke. It must be because of some other mod. I would be pleased if i could just disabel any mod to use the "big bombs" for some movie making.

Hi, wimsma.
Thank you for your good words.
When I try it with HSFX, all the textures look wrong, then I installed a original effects or HG&P Platinum.
It works, but HSFX redirects the Fat Man and the Little Boy bombs to particles of FAB-5000, I don't know why.
Take a look at the smoke MOD that you have installed.

I have this mod working on top of HSFX v4. I just installed B-29, B-29SP, HG&P effects and this to the Mods folder. I also got updated version of Ranwers B-29 cockpit, for some reason HSFX uses an older version.

how do i use this mod? I downloaded it and I put it in mod folder, but what do I look for? do I need a older version or other mods to make this work? because I selected B-29 and I dont see any "fat boy" bomb.

LittleD Wrote:how do i use this mod? I downloaded it and I put it in mod folder, but what do I look for? do I need a older version or other mods to make this work? because I selected B-29 and I dont see any "fat boy" bomb.

Hi, LittleD.

You need to choose the B-29 Silverplate, the stock B-29 doesn't have nuclear weapons because no one changes the stock aircrafts.

I would like to ask...

I installed this mod together with Ultra Pack 2.0 and HGP Uranium and for some reason my atomic explosion has no flash. What could be the problem?

The explosion is sort of correct though. It only reaches up to 1000-1500m or so. A very small explosion IMO.

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