SOW Update 2010-06-04

Good to see they are working on a 4.14 patch for IL-2 1946. Big Grin

the damage and pilot models are absolutly stunning Confusedhock: i honestly think that this is going to be the single best flight sim ill ever play (that is if it comes out :lol: )

I'm sure that an I9 overclocked at 4ghz + 6gb DDR3 + nextgen ati/nvidia +ssd will do fine. Maybe not maxed out, but med/high surely....... if the game is well optimized (not ala FSX) :roll:
personally, I'm sure that my config will have no problem at low :lol:

BTW nice pics

I really hope that SLI and crossfire will be optimized, and also the engine is efficient. I am about to purchase my second 4870 1gb, dual loop it, and be set.

From what Oleg was saying a couple of months ago, his development team is working on Dual Core 2GB RAM PCs with 512MB Graphics cards, so I would assume the game runs on those specs. Apparently the reason why Oleg's team is using mid range hardware like that is because it encourages them to optimise the code better.

No playing SoW if they can't make it run on their machines :wink:

looks like the ww2 version of Rise of Flight

If I cant play it with decent graphics with a 1 gig Nvidia card & 8 gigs of DDR ram ...we gonna have issues Confusedhock:

I've noticed that the two pictures of crashlanded spitfires have the same damage on the engine, is it supposed to be like that or still WIP?

I can see a swastica mod for it :lol:

But one the whole WOW

I love the Bf-109E-3 Cockpit Big Grin now that is something to die for Big Grin


armydan Wrote:I've noticed that the two pictures of crashlanded spitfires have the same damage on the engine, is it supposed to be like that or still WIP?
That looks like the same aircraft, just moved around for the purpose of showing the differences in terrain.

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