Recorded Tracks not playing back correctly...

I searched the forums and I could find no reference to this topic. I appologize if I missed it. Often, my recorded tracks do not play back correctly. Sometimes at playback, I am shooting at thin air, when in the actual mission I shot down a plane. Other times, when I have minor damage in the mission, the playback track shows me crashing. Is that why the game is called "Forgotten Battles"? Any help with this problem would be appreciated.

Thanks. Best IL2 fourm on the web, by the way...

What version of il2 do you have , ie complete edition or 1946 ect,ect...? I used to get this problem but no more , since I got 46.

I've mentioned this problem i have 2 years ago, nobody gave me an answer to it. In my case even with 1946 i get track problems, even with the 4.09m, bm1 or 4.08m versions i have RASmith1030's issue. Never solved it.

im on 1946 and i getting this to sometimes...

Use NTRK instead of TRK. TRK will re-simulate the fight based on recorded inputs, so they will not always come out the same, much less if you are changing mods often. To use NTRK hit ESC and click on Start Recording or map a key to quick recording (I think that's the keymap name). Keep in mind that some stuff is not recorded in NTRK (for example slats movement or AI pilots moving their heads) but for the most part you will see the same fight all the time

Same problem here. It was kinda cool watching the enemies avoid invisible bullets!

Wow. I opened a .trk file just to see the format. It's a text file. Has anyone ever cracked the meaning? By the way, I am running UI1.1, I usually fly 4.09b1 "Mod with 6DOF". But I've had the problem since the old IL2 days, when the game first came out.

I posted the same question/problem in the forum about a week ago. I record online, my pilot disappears and so do a whole lot of planes. I record NTRK and it's fine off-line, but on-line it sucks. I'm flying UI 1.2 Zuti on. There was a fix somewhere where someone said if you turn Zuti off in playback it will fix it. It didn't. Someone else said there is a small patch on the SAS site, but, as I don't know what SAS stands for, I can't find the site, let alone a patch. Hope someone can help.

Crankshaft Wrote:I don't know what SAS stands for, I can't find the site, let alone a patch. Hope someone can help.

Here is the link to SAS:

but I doubt you will find a patch, since the bug is inherent to the IL2 engine,
as it was discussed on other sites some time ago.

Laziness is the mother of progress. My QMB missions can be found here:
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Being having the same problem for years with all IL2 versions...
Recordings are NOT "play back" RECORDINGS, they are recordings of
parameters and the sum of all detailed informations needed, so that the AI can ATTEMPT to REPLAY
the same game over-again. Obviously extreme manoueuvers by a player may be totally impossible
for the AI to reproduce within a flight-model, resulting in player's airplane now crashing!
Also the more complex the game situations are, many ramdom events may happen during playback
in which aircrafts are now destroyed, or take new evasives courses and sunddenly the aircrafts are not
where they are suppose to be anymore... resulting shooting in empty space.
Something interresting happened resently during a 'REPLAY' of a recording: my airplane totally failed
to shoot down my ennemy which was offset by 1000 meters or so... from where its original position
should have been... After my kill during the actual game,I had apparently switched the autopilot
BACK-ON. So as soon as the AI got that in REPLAY, it proceeded to destroy my original target in
just a matter of secs. NOT AT ALL the way it happen, but the net result whas just the same !!! (VeryOdd).
So when a recording does PLAYBACK succesfully you can say "its a MIRACLE!" Then keep that
record very preciously... Changing the in games parameters will make you loose some good recordings.
NTRK always playback accurately but unfortunatly you have to activate beforehand, which kind affect
my game-play knowing that I'am making a movie of myself.
As opposed to playing a game, then recording it, witch right there gives me the oppotunity not to record a
very BAD game at all.

Well Many Thanks Everybody !!!

I had the same problem... One time I flew in Pear Harbour with

Yeah, I noticed that often the recordings would play out differently after installing new mods... I'll try out the ntrk method, see if that works at all.

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