Can anybody tell me why I am getting this graphic error? - S

[Image: grab1.jpg]

Does it have to do with the "cmap tool" or with the blend of white and black on map c?
By the way it onlly happens in Excellent mode. In Perfect Mode there is no such problem. The thing is lots of squad buddies cant run Il 2 in Perfect mode just yet...
Is there a quick way to correct it?

Thanks in advanced!

You have to use the transform tool when making your map_c. The transform tool adds a repeating pixel pattern and thus avoids the tearing you see there.

[Image: sig2.gif]

Can you poimt me to that tool, my version of C map Toolbox does not have the "Transform" option... onlly "create"

Skunkmeister Solved it! Thanks !
I took a look at the old Map building tools and found the command you told me to use.

Looking fine now.

Thanks aggain!

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