Insstalling 4,09m , game loads and freeze at 95%

High every one !
I have obtained 4,09m from the italians Diavolirossi Site, same where you can obtain the Swordfish. :evil:
So far I haven't been able to operate it.
4,09m Internationale loads and freeze at 95%. Then again the older 4,09b1m worked easily and fine for me.
4,09m is a non beta and contains Avia534 and SM79 as flyables. Lot of new maps and objects.
Plus a lot new non-flyables which can be converted into flyables at the SAS site ex.: RE 2000, DXXI.
The download is about at least twice as big as the beta one.
I did a poste and was replied to the solution that I shoud try pacht it over a clean 4,08m. If it works, I will loose all my current mods !!!!
I will have to restart adding them back from scratch one by one; ouch,ouch ouch!!! Confusednipe:
However I have a question which is: HOW MUCH FREE MEMORY SPACE does the new 4,09m
needs to operate? I have an old 80GB computer with XP, and I can hardly maintain 18GB of free space.
Maybe thats is my problem? Any ideas ???
I tried patching up over various versions inluding soundmod 093, mod activator 5.2
and from 4,09b1m with same results: freezes at 95%. Not using any unis: huge downloads with a lot stuff I already have...
I have AC3.8, which makes matters worse like crashes at 60%. Tried all buttons including most recent from SAS.
I did not try yet the SAS mod activator. Also it is my intension to patch-in some mod-switcher. The one that I have from Arcade
indicates an 4,09m_sas. So at long last I may have to try downloading from there. It would fit this switcher. Dunno if all the good stuff
would still be in that download.

Ok I'm not real sure as to what you want but for 4.09m this is how to install it.
disk 4.07--> patch to 4.08m -->patch 4.09m CLEAN INSTALL. Now if you want MODS down load and install the HSFX-V4
This has many if not all the AAA UI1.2 has and uses much less space on your H\D UI1.2 16GB - HSFX 8.5 GB.
You will find the TORRENT d\l for HSFX -V4 here. ... ost2883157
I hope this helps !!!

Got it. Still it is start from scratch, but I will
try your link witch should ease the reinstall.
Appreciate yor tip ! Thank you for your answer!!.

discovered: an Over Previous Mods Install of 4,09m activation:
SAS Mod activator V2,1 for 4,08m or 4.09m with previous mods installed.
very detailed instructions on how to. Seems very new, and exactly what I need.

Also an over a clean 4.09m install, mod-acitvation
SAS Mod activator V2,2 for 4,09m over clean version, installation.
Long and clear list of instructions on 'how to use' and
also a fix to correct english language over russian bug.,2.0.html

I did not have the chance to try it yet. Cannot confirm at this time it works. About to do it in the hours to come.
Hope I'm not braking any rules with this post. The info was hard to come by. (
the hole thing seems like sort of a level 4,0 activation prosess. May be wrong there. Just seem like something
I Have seen for a brief moment. I been hoping for Ac 3.9 for so long, I must be in delerium for lack of sleep.
Be aware there often if not always a rumor that SAS server is down. I never experienced that.

Just too tired at the moment to continue. :bumbed

Nadia Wrote:...Seems very new, and exactly what I need...
It's not came out the day after the 4.09m patch was released. Part of the problem has been that the SAS website has been hacked twice since then, and at the moment is not back up from the second attack. The link you posted goes to an old temp website that was set up after the first attack, so it is not up to date.

EDIT: Actually, that does seem to be the new website, but the Modact links seem old.

It does work, i.e., you will get 4.09 with all MODS, but, just be aware, that the SAS Modact, specifically the buttons, is not for online use, but fine if you are an offline flyer.

For Offline play it works. I did a clean install , Patch 4.08m, Patch 4.09m, SAS ModActivator and sound fix. Cleaned up my Air.INI and Planes_RU to accommodate the new stuff and my added Mod planes - did this by hand with a text editor, put all the other previous mods back in and away we go!

I have the new aircraft from the patch, the Korean stuff and all the wonderful AAA sourced mods that started this whole mad journey in the first place! Well done everyone!

There are a few sound-dropouts at first, some of the radial engines disappear. There is a patch with the SAS buttons and a good XCEL data sheet, so with a bit of testing, tweaking and fixing by hand you have it all.

Well I did it. Installed 4,09m Internationale with all new AI planes and
new flyables, preserved all my past mods. Added even more.
Had 4,09b1m; rolled back (not switch back) to 4,08m like this;
create bogus UBISOFT file. Change true UBISOFT file name to protect.
Install Mod activator 5.2 into bogus. Examine. Delete unessary
mods-cockpits-flyables in there that you already have; there by prevent
the overwriting of any more up to date versions by these older ones.
Skip this if you dare. Make copies of all files that will be changed.
Apply all remaining files of MAc 5.2 (from bogus) to the real UBISOFT.
Now check you are 4,08m and all is working. Of course mods, maps
objects from 4,09b1m are not. Apply patch 4,09m to 4,08m.
(don't know if it can be applied directly on 4,09b1m). May be so.
May be is incompatible. Go to Register or/and log-in.
Click Essential SAS. :!: Select the proper download to install:
SAS Mod Activator v2.1 ~ 4.09m from Previously Modded Game.
Do not use: SAS Mod Activator v2.2 ~ For Clean 4.09m. It comes highly
recommended, but you start from scratch. Follow all instructions carefully,
edit files as suggested. Use your experience and common sense to prevent
mistakes. You may have to apply most recent SAS buttons.
You now have all 4,09m new features [new flyables (Avia534/SM79),
new AIs, and more]; You have all your past mods still workings; you may
apply more SAS patchs to make the new AIs become flyables as well (such
as RE 2000, CW21). You can now apply mods that had not worked for you
in the past, such as Mig15bis and F86A5 for me.
Done. Move on.

( If any features of 4,09b1m clash or competes with 4,09m use the bogus
method, pretend to install 4,09b1m into bogus, find and select files that needs
to be removed, paste to real UBISOFT and delete. Essentials files have already
been overwriiten, or replaced by 4,09m, therefore should not be removed).

if it freezes at 95% its as far as I know always the buttons file causes the problem! Download the latest button from the SAS website and see if that works for you... Dont overwrite it, just rename the original buttons file to "buttonORIG" or soemthing like that and then put SAS

Buttons need to be delt with, and upgraded, YES. And always there after, unlest you stop to install mods.
More then that you need the proper activator: SAS 2.01; or possibly AC3,09 or greater. (They do not exist yet).

All clear for me: freezes95 are resolved by running activator SAS 2.01.
Butons will correct loading crashes... ... to nothingness. You dont have time to read %. May be it's 60 or 70, then gone.
However this type of crash is caused by one, or a couple of new mods, which are specifics, in this case new AI, new Flyables.
and it' s your inability to use these mods that makes the crash. Not the 4,09m itseft. Buttons must be upgraded with each
new modern mods, especially the very complex, big, new creatives ones. Unlikekly with older mods which uses Frankenstein
methods. If a new mod causes such crash, you may temporarily regain control of your IL2 by deactivating that mod.
Some deactivates if you remove their entry (line of text) in Air.ini. MAKE A COPY FIRST. Others with no lines in any ini.
are just a file in Mod; put a "-" in front their name. Ex. [Forgotten_Countries] becomes [-Forgotten_Countries]. Gone but not lost :? .
I think however that the New AI and Flyables are not mods as such. They just that: new AIs and Flyables. (I may be wrong there).
Therefore they could be an integrated part of the new 4.09m. which means that the whole patch acts has a New complex mod that,
you may be unable to operate.
You're toasted, unless you apply the needed BUTTONS as well. :-?

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