Switching players plane on it's own

Well this one is really bizarre. I'm finalizing my missions for my WWIII 1946 campaign when all of a sudden every single mission has the wrong plane chosen as the player plane. I go back into the FMB and change it back and it still chooses the wrong plane. I go back and delete the wrong plane. It chooses another wrong plane. I have to delete every plane and then re-do them choosing AI only and still it jumps to them at times.

They all run fine in the FMB when I choose play but when I try them in my campaign they get screwed up.

Has anyone run across this game stopper before? This will kill my project for sure. I can't have this happening constantly.

Any suggestions as to what may be the problem and how to fix it?

i remember reading somewhere that if you don't make sure to have other allied plains flying in the mission be under different squadrons, the computer ranking system can select the a random allied plain as yours. this is only a guess. i remember one mission where i should have been in a 109, but ended up in a Ju-52!

The players plane is chosen according to the rank of the pilot in a campaign, and not what plane has the player box checked in FMB

So if the player selects the lowest rank at the beginning of the plane, he will be in the last plane in the squadron, regardless of what plane has been selected for use as the player plane in FMB. Similarly if the player selects the highest rank he will be in the first plane, regardless of choices made in FMB.

So when building a scripted campaign you should inform people what rank they should select in order to have the right plane in the campaign. This will take a bit of trial and error on the part of the campaign builder.

I think this may be the problem you are having

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Their all going to be made Air Marshals if that's the case.

I'll give it a try tonight.

Thank you again. What a pain it was to try and figure this out.

Norm was correct also. You can alleviate this problem by having the plane you want your user to fly be in a unique squadron. Then the program will only alter which position (1-4) the player is in within the flight.

Norms suggestion worked. Thank you.

I don't know why all of a sudden it became and issue. I was putting the finishing touches on all the missions when all of a sudden everything started to switch places. Weird. I had to go in and change almost every squadron after months of no problems.

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