Add An New Aircraft Mods?? HSFX

Hey.AAA member..Could You Tell Me How To Add An New Aircraft Mods To
HSFX 4.0??/HSFX 4.1??
Please Big Grin

first go to your IL-2 root folder and make a new folder called MODS make sure its uppercase then put the aircraft in there, then take the air.ini entry and put it in the air.ini file located in files folder (sorry i cant rmember the rest of the file directory but its in your main IL-2 root folder)

As Spitfire13 says, make a new folder root\MODS
and in MODS make sub folder STD ----- root\MODS\STD
and out the main aircraft folder into root\MODS -- example: root\MODS\SpitfireMk1

various files need to be copied from root/files into the STD folder, retaining the same subfolder structure
These are:

Then you need to add text to each of these files as per this example using the SpitfireMk1

ADD TO air.ini
SpitfireMk1 air.SPITFIRE1 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER

SpitfireMk1 Spitfire MK.1, 1939

# Spitfire Mk.1
SpitfireMk1.default Default
SpitfireMk1.none Empty

Add skins subfolder in root\PaintSchemes\Skins

When you run the game the program will search for air.ini and the other files and use the first copy it finds. It looks in MODS first, files second, *.sfs files third. So you can keep your original HSFX files safe in root\files in case you want to use them. If you want to disable the new mods then rename MODS to -MODS, and the program will revert to reading the original HSFX files.

Hope this helps


i would also copy these files to the MODS folder: Files --> com (with everything in it)
files---> i18n (with everything in it)

just copy these files to Il-2 Sturmovik 1946---> MODS (this is the folder you made yourself. The Ini and Ru files you edit now in your MODS folder so not in the files Folder.


Well Thank her assistance but when I try to create a folder and insert mods SpitfireMk1 air.SPITFIRE1 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER happened instead Air.ini IL-2 CTD While 60%... :???:

if you put in the spitfire in the MOD and you open it there do you see the 3do?? or again a folder with spitfire??

it needs to be MODS-->Spitfire---> 3do---> etc. other then that did you use the sfs extractor to extract the sfs file list? (i believe you must do that also)

Here My Step That Is Correct??
1.Copy the Aircraft To The Mod Folders
2.I Add That SpitfireMk1 air.SPITFIRE1 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER To X:\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Files\com\maddox\il2\objects\air.ini
3.I Add ADD TO X:IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Files\i18n SpitfireMk1 Spitfire MK.1, 1939

Just That..
Did it Correct Or I must Add A New Air.ini To The A Mods Folder Who I Create IT :lol:

Yes i think that's better anyway i don't know if it will make a difference but it's worth a shot. btw did you do the sfs extracter thing also?

You also need the latest buttons file which supports the new aircraft which you plan to add.
Get the one from SAS which is probably most universal.,97.0.html

Put the buttons file in MODS\STD\gui\game --- after backing up the original

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