
Hi, i would like to know what is wrong with my plane model's graphics, i put all the settings to the highest they can go (even landscape to perfect) and everything on the ground is great, except the models, the planes, cars, trains, tanks, etc. are all, well, not as good as the ground, what i'm saying is that the outline is a LITTLE blocky, and the plane models don't have as good graphics as the ground, ive seen videos with planes that have excellent graphics, and was wondering y i didnt have them, i don't know if it is because of my monitor, my graphics card or anything else, but can somebody tell me what card/monitor they have or if i could somehow improve them from control panel or what not?


What kind of Graphics Card do you have? Because turning up the settings in your GPU's control panel will give you better results Wink

What you're describing "blocky" sounds like aliasing.
Try turning on, or increasing, antialiasing (AA) in your video driver control panel.

philip.ed Wrote:What kind of Graphics Card do you have? Because turning up the settings in your GPU's control panel will give you better results Wink
honestly, i have no idea, ill have to check into that, i know its some kinda nvidia

EDIT: i have no idea, i couldn't find out how

There you go nvidia.Do exactly what 8FS_Bulau said to do, turn on, or increase, the antialiasing (AA) in your video driver control panel.

ok, it is an NVIDIA Geforce 9500 GT

and i cannot find out how to change antialiasing

EDIT: found out how, so, how much do i increase it by? it is at 0%

I've got mine set to 16x but experiment your settings may look good with less it all depends on different factors I.E. which drivers you are using,what settings your using in your config ini,your monitor output settings, give all the settings a try and see how it looks and which you like best it can't hurt.

could u guys give me a key to press to make a screenshot so i can show u what i mean? just incase ive described the wrong problem

The Print Screen key takes the picture, it's saved as a TARGA file in the main game folder, you need to convert it into a JPEG image using a photo editing program,then upload it to a image sharing websight like Photobucket ,Then copy and paste the photo's link and post it here.

ok, well, nvm, there are just stairsteps on the outline of the plane agains the sky and, everything really, and it seems like the plane should be darker, idk y, but in the videos ive seen the planes are darker, and better graphicized (word?) so, ill c what i can do about the antialiasing thing unless anyone else has any suggestions

atialiasing didnt work Sad

If it didn't work, then you didn't turn it on correctly.

Open nVidia Control Panel...Select "Manage 3D settings" in the list at left side.
In right side pane, select the "Program Settings" tab
Use the pulldown under where is says:

"1. Select a program to customize:"

and select "IL-2 Forgotten Battles + Ace Expansion Pack" from the list (or something like that, I forget exactly)

Then in the window below where it says:

"2. Specify the settings for this program:"

Find Antialiasing - Mode, and set it to "Override any application setting"
then find Antialiasing - Setting, and select an option there...start with 8x maybe and see how it works. Save and exit, then run the game. If your frame rates are still good, try higher settings.

problem, cant find the manage 3d setting thing, all it has is adjust image setting with preview, and set physx configuration, thats under the 3d settings thing.

and here's a pic of what i'm talking bout

[Image: grab0000.jpg]

Ouch! definitely need some AA...I almost cut myself on those jaggies...

You should be able to do it with "Adjust image settings with preview"...

Can you see a button there for "Use the advance 3D image settings" ?
And a "Take me there" after it?
Click that.

that helped that, now, about the plane being darker, it seems its lighter than it should be, anything u could do for that?

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