Strange FMB crash

I recently tried to edit some missions in FMB and I found this problem:

Whenever I edit objects the FMB becomes laggy as hell and after a while I get CTD without error message.
No matter if I use only stock maps with stock objects the results are the same. Sometimes
the game crashes even when I load the map. This only happens when I edit complete mission like making a coop from
a QMBplus mission.

The strange thing that this happens both with UI 1.2 and Ultrapack 2.0. I disabled & reenabled FMB plus
on both install, but the FMB still crashes.

The game runs smoothly otherwise and I've never had problems like this (however
I haven't used the FMB for a long time now)

I would appreciate any help.

WN_Barbarossa, I had the same problem when I had finally chose to go with UP1.8 (no problem when I had just done the old Mods routine). When I upgraded to UP 2.0, I tried the 1GB exe (the one that supports 6DOF--for Win 32, to fit my system). Viola, no more FMB crashes. So, if you haven't tried them (there are different 1GB exe's for different systems), give one a whirl and see if that works.


As the Maps get more detailed and Large I simply turn my resolution in My Config.ini file down. I have a couple backedt up in a folder one for Flying and one for FMB.
I fly with resolution of 1680 x 1050 (wide screen) I build missions with lower resolution: 1280 x 960
No more FMB Crashes. Cheers

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