Russian Liberation Army Bf-109G-10

ROSOBORONEXPORTCORP Wrote:It is pretty clear that the NAZI Germans were bent on genocide throughout the region. They killed all captured officers and officials,

This is far from the truth, at least for the Western Allies....if you were captured you had a better chance of being treated well if you were an officer. This is why, for instance, to be a crewman in an American bomber you had to hold a minimum rank of a non-com officer (ie Seargant). It was USAAF policy, and for that reason alone. This thread is getting off-topic anyways...


I would definitely call it genocide on part of the SS troops. RKKA (Red Army) casualties for the entire Great Patriotic War were around 9.5 million men and women. Soviet civilian casualties from malnutrition, overworking in camps, mass execution etc. over 17 million.

Sure, it was better to be in a camp than in the Red Army... :roll:

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