[Download] P-38 : Tron

Here is a skin I didn't really try hard on, I got half way and didn't really know what to do with it so I added a few things and called it a day.
My first try at a skin for a plane other then the BF-109G2 (Heinkel doesn't count) and I must say I prefer making skins for the BF-109G2, probably because I'm so use to it.

I don't expect you to enjoy it but you can comment if you like.

Download: http://users.tpg.com.au/bluecube/P-38%20tron.bmp
Image is 80% quality
[Image: P-38%20tron%20screeny.jpg]

looks pretty good

where do you get these ideas lol! Confusedhock: :lol:

GeneralPsycho Wrote:where do you get these ideas lol! Confusedhock: :lol:

IMO anyone can draw this sort of stuff. I don't even add damage or wear and tear to my planes like the other skinners.

EDIT: The real answer to you question is I just make it up as I go along. Unless that question was metaphorical in which case *Shrug*.

EDIT: I wounder what other skinners think of my work...


bomberkiller Wrote::hanged:

At last, another great skin. I love your skins m8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jak24610 Wrote:At last, another great skin. I love your skins m8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot! You have a higher opinion of my skin then I do! =D

EDIT: "At last" hahaha its been less then 24hours since my last skin! I better get cracking if I am to keep this deadline every day =D

Hi Aza-Industries,

You are quite industrious, putting out all these highly interesting skins. I like them, something different. So the "Tron" skin for the P-38, is that for a night fighter, I mean like a Saturday night fighter? :wink:

Maybe I missed it, but where can I download them?



P.S. Never mind, I just saw the link in your post.

bohr-r Wrote:Hi Aza-Industries,

You are quite industrious, putting out all these highly interesting skins. I like them, something different. So the "Tron" skin for the P-38, is that for a night fighter, I mean like a Saturday night fighter? :wink:

Maybe I missed it, but where can I download them?



P.S. Never mind, I just saw the link in your post.

You know its odd but I havn't even flown a night mission yet =O...

I'm gonna go fly this one now at night.

Hehe - you might not like it, I think it's the best so far Wink

Wear&tear isn't so hard to do if you don't have too high expectations. Just add a few layers with 30% opacity and random specks decreasing in diameter (you can even use the magic wand tool with an edge tolerance of 1-2). Makin exhaust smoke burns isn't difficult at all, just take the "big galaxy" pen and smear it a little bit. You don't have to create it anew, just make three different smoke/oil trails and when re-using them, change the hue a little bit and use the finger tool to smear them out individually...

I'm not a skinner (just made my first skin yesterday) but with Gimp, it seems much easier to me than with Paintshop Pro 7.0...

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