You can play online or offline using "Zuti's MDS", older versions can be added to AAA installations, or just instal "UltraPack 2.0" which has the latest version already installed.
If your hard drive is big enough, there's nothing stopping you from running multiple versions(AAA UI 1.2, 1.1 & UP 2.0 etc).
If you download one of my missions here - viewtopic.php?t=24291 - I've included instructions on instalation, playing & a method I use to run muliple versions :wink:
When adding a homebase in FMB(FullMissionBuilder), all the aircraft are automatically included, it's up to the mission builder to select which aircraft to keep or delete. The Homebase doesn't create AI aircraft, the Homebase provides a list of aircraft that players can choose to fly from that base, in a dogfight mission.