[Download] DCG - Declined Fortune

[Image: dfortunebox.jpg]

The Declined Fortune Campaign Version is a third party Il2DCG add-on campaign for Il2DCG Version 3.43 (or later), to be used in DGen and NGen Full Replacement-Auto mode in single and/or on-line game-play.

The 3 campaigns of "Declined Fortune" cover the time period of "Unternehmen Taifun / Operation Typhoon" in Winter 41/42.

Required: "IL-2 1946" version 4.09.
Mod supported.
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Many thanks for your work!
I am pleased that other people also publish DCG campaigns for the general public!


ist das nur fuer singleplayer gedacht...?

ich bekomme das nicht an den 'Start in MP (naja vielleicht liegst auch an HSFX 4.1) ;(


Yes. Thank you to you and Lonestar. My squad play DCG campaigns a lot (5 missions per week, coop online mode): http://patrulla-azul.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=5

And your campaigns are the way to go.

Thank you again.

Thanx for your kind words!
As DCG is a powerful tool especially for Coop it was a pleasure to create the campaigns.
If the campaign is noticeable downloaded and supposely played all hours spending in it are rewarded!

ist das nur fuer singleplayer gedacht...?
ich bekomme das nicht an den 'Start in MP (naja vielleicht liegst auch an HSFX 4.1) ;(

No it is also playable as Campaign in MP.
Copy the Ngen folder into the root of your Il2-1946 installation.
Mark in DCG at "Mode"
"Replace Carreer Generator" (Dgen) - for singleplayer carrer
"Replace Carreer Generator" (Ngen) - for multiplayer carrer

Start Multiplayer -> Campaign and choose e.g.
DCG Kremlin Towers (Nep)
DCG Bludgeoned Army (Nep)
DCG Winter Defense (Nep)

I didnt test with HSFX but with UP2.1n and it worked without any problems.
Keep in mind that an older version of UP removes logging, with what the DCG is working, so
UP2.1m and UP2.1n are free of that "bug" again and work properly with DCG.

Quote:I didnt test with HSFX but with UP2

the dcg campain didnt work with hsfx ;( i try testting it Jgsme installer (turn verything off) but it wont work

just for info


Mad'Man Wrote:
Quote:I didnt test with HSFX but with UP2

the dcg campain didnt work with hsfx ;( i try testting it Jgsme installer (turn verything off) but it wont work

just for info


Strange! I have played till now six missions with HSFX 4.1 and this campaign works without problems!

Same here, tested it due your initial post of conflicts withHSFX and had no problems.
Did u follow the ReadMe hints?
So the campaign is playable with

Vanilla 4.09
HSFX 4.1
AAA 2.5

How did u install the campaign?
What happens?
cant u choose the campaign?
cant u even see the campaign?

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