Do you use GIMP? I need information.

Good day, everyone

I have used GIMP for a few skin mods of my own, so I am a bit familiar with it.


1) Does anyone use GIMP for 3D textures or paint in IL-2? ( I need to know the answer to both textures and paint of 3D objects.) How good and how common is this, if true?

2) We know that many guys use GIMP for aircraft skins. How do you feel about a guide for GIMP?

I do use GIMP for my skins, it is fairly easy to use, but I haven't seen the guide you were referring to.

I have watched one on youtube a year ago or so, just to see how the "pros" use the layers, before that I used to paint over the void Smile
With that one I learned how to make the white to be a background on separate layer, and after that I found the templates to be easy to use.

So far I haven't had any troubles with GIMP and I've found all the tools I've needed.

I use it for the Call of Duty 4 skins too.

Fireskull Wrote:Good day, everyone

I have used GIMP for a few skin mods of my own, so I am a bit familiar with it.


1) Does anyone use GIMP for 3D textures or paint in IL-2? ( I need to know the answer to both textures and paint of 3D objects.) How good and how common is this, if true?

2) We know that many guys use GIMP for aircraft skins. How do you feel about a guide for GIMP?

Thanks, KG64_Cnopicilin.

Now I need to know about the possibility of using it for 3D objects.


I use the Gimp for painting all my skins.

A section with tips and tricks or techniques might be useful.

I don't do anything with 3D modeling.


I am also a GIMP user, and use it for all my work - templates, skins, map textures, and have just dabbled in using it for 3D work. As far as textures go, it works just fine and dandy :wink: .

I think a "GIMP" section in the forums would be quite useful, and though I'm no expert, I would be willing to offer any help where I can concerning GIMP. Might even write a tutorial or two, as there is soooo much to do with GIMP that a single "all inclusive" tutorial would have to be enormous.

Well, a tutorial is coming. Now it is a matter of where to put it. After I decide where it will go, then I'll let you guys know about it.

Thank you for your help and interest in the project.

3D skins have to be saved as 24 bit uncompressed tga ( alter to .tgb after saving where that is used for damage models etc.)
Apart from that and setting up the alpha channel for areas of transpareny the process for making 3D object skins/templatesis much the same as for aircraft.

Map makers should also find all the features they need within Gimp.

Since losing photoshop and many plug ins after a crash I've worked mainly in PSP , but Gimp is invaluable for the previously mentioned "make color transparent" function, alpha manipulation and re-sizing.

I have good news: A tutorial for GIMP has been opened by me.



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