Hi i have ultrapack 2.01 and v 4.09m but when i join a server called battle of britain i says i need mds v 1.13 and i have alreday activated this in the jsgme but still this shows up andi have tried to download a separate mds but this didnt work either. any ideas??
Battle of Britain server is UP2.01 & Warbirds of Prey mod-set. Activate the 00_Warbirdsofprey mod-set in your jgsme, turn all other mods off.
I tried what you said but it didnt work, it still shows up that it uses a diffrent verion of the game (4.09m and MDS v1.13 for ultr@pack)
Try this...
1.Turn your MODS folder off by renaming it -MODS.
2. Deactivate ALL mods in you jgsme mod selctor.
3. Run the "Ultr@Pack Update & Restore", should be an icon on your desktop.
4. Run the "Ultr@Pack Update & Restore", a second time.
5. Load only 00_Warbirdsofprey mod-set in your jgsme.
6. The try to get into the Battle of Britain server.