[Discussion] Mods: Simulation or Art?

Good day,

What is more important to you with mods:

Simulation ?


Art ?


I suppose that with "Art" you mean graphic upgrades and with "Simulation" you mean realism. I so choose for "Simulation". That doesn't take away that I also appreciate effect mods and reworked models.


I would say both or maybe like - 60% SIm and 40% Art. What is even a very good simulation without art?
A Simulation simulates - and art just helps to get the "real" feeling.
We do have a few senses - and the better they got stimulated - a more realistic environment we have - simulated!

Reminds me just of the old times when for the first time I heard a new sound in Il-2! That was just amazing!
For the first time all these fantastic planes sound like real ones. And it was a new experience of flying!
And I enjoy it very much just to fly around and seeing a beautiful landscape, feeling the wind, and hear this amazing, powerful sound out of 18 cylinders...
UAH.... MORE POWER! :Smile)

Jambo :wink:

In effects world, simulation, but as it´s very dificult to obtain in this game... art Tongue

Sim + art with a peppering of Hollywood minus the love story. They go hand in hand until you add the love triangle.

See Plutonium napalm for perfection.

It's 60-60.

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