Query: What Joystick do you fly Il2-1946 with ?

HusarDerLuft Wrote:Saitek Cyborg X - best joystick I ever had ..for about 50$
you can customize and adjust every part of it to (to fit my Big Hand) 8)
highly recommended

[Image: 000scybx.jpg]

Haven't tried it personally but :
... by the way, it looks "too cosmic" for my taste, doesn't go with WW2 cockpit view.

(don't get me wrong, I am big Saitek fan...)

use an extreme 3d pro and a modified thrustmaster joy
[Image: 32931131747.jpg]
[Image: 602593PICT0538.jpg]

Thrustmaster Cougar HOTAS with Viper's gimbal upgrade and Cuby's HS mod.
Essentially an uber Cougar.

For my Rudders, I use CH-Pro USB Rudders.


{HVY-E}Jinxx Wrote:Thrustmaster Cougar HOTAS with Viper's gimbal upgrade and Cuby's HS mod.
Essentially an uber Cougar.

For my Rudders, I use CH-Pro USB Rudders.


Confusedhock: ...what's next ? A real Focke Wolf cockpit ?

Blond Wrote:Confusedhock: ...what's next ? A real Focke Wolf cockpit ?

YES :!: :!: :Smile) :Smile) :!: :!: :lol: :lol:

coatesy75 Wrote:Logitech force 3D PRO . Big Grin

Are you sure - Extreme 3D pro is a better version Big Grin


Blond Wrote:
{HVY-E}Jinxx Wrote:Thrustmaster Cougar HOTAS with Viper's gimbal upgrade and Cuby's HS mod.
Essentially an uber Cougar.

For my Rudders, I use CH-Pro USB Rudders.


Confusedhock: ...what's next ? A real Focke Wolf cockpit ?

Actually, I've begun work on a mock-up for a P-47 Pit.
Will post pics as I progress. Still have a lot of parts to acquire, templates to make/cut out and research to do.


honestly i have no money for a flight stick (and i think i'd suck at using one anyways), so i use the PS3 controller, i find it comfortable and very reliable, and i can use it for more than just one gaming station, took awhile to get a perfect key setting to feel comfortable with

Key setting:
Manual Gear and auto gear: square
manual gear down: 'X'
WEP: Triangle
Weapons 1-4: L1,L2,R1, R2
Throttle up/down: Right stick up/down
Flaps down: select
flaps up: start
Airbrake: L3
look front up: R3
Pan camera: directional buttons
Nav Lights: PS button
[Image: PS3Controller2_270x253.bmp]

ha ha ha - Very good RadPig94 take that idea onto dragons den :lol:

Least it works for you :Smile)

You think I could do it with a 360 controller?



I use LogiTech Extreme 3D Pro. It is easy to calibrate and durable. Not bad for about the price of a tank of gasoline in a compact car (USA petro is cheap compared to most of the world.) It is good enough for me to sometimes shoot several planes down in one mission.

My LogiTech has lasted about 3 years with no repairs.

Fireskull Smile

Planemad Wrote:
Blond Wrote:Confusedhock: ...what's next ? A real Focke Wolf cockpit ?

YES :!: :!: :Smile) :Smile) :!: :!: :lol: :lol:

coatesy75 Wrote:Logitech force 3D PRO . Big Grin

Are you sure - Extreme 3D pro is a better version Big Grin

FORCE 3D PRO is the better version planemad Big Grin i think thay have stoped it now but just the extreme its cheaper

Is more expensive better than overall quality?


i donot know lol you will have to test them lol Big Grin iv had my one 4 + years now its still ok

Blond Wrote:
{HVY-E}Jinxx Wrote:Thrustmaster Cougar HOTAS with Viper's gimbal upgrade and Cuby's HS mod.
Essentially an uber Cougar.

For my Rudders, I use CH-Pro USB Rudders.


Confusedhock: ...what's next ? A real Focke Wolf cockpit ?


[Image: technology_178a_004.jpg]


I use this puppy too....Ive always considered upgrading, I'm just so used to it:

[Image: 32931131747.jpg]

Hopefully my pit will look as good.

I've been using a Microsoft "Sidewinder Precision Pro" with a USB adapter for about a year and a half now. I got two at a friends garage sale for a buck each. No complaints, though I've never really used anything else so I guess I have no opinion. :lol:

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