Histomod picture thread!

Some shots from basic testing for the WIP version(s).

Not so decent quality since I use texture compression atm.

Some fighters will have engine smoke plumes at max power, fun to see

[Image: 1702201217-28-56.jpg]

[Image: 1702201220-11-16.jpg]

[Image: 1702201220-14-37.jpg]

[Image: 1702201217-34-55.jpg]

:roll: another..MTO one :lol:
[Image: 1702201220-15-37.jpg]

[Image: 1702201220-31-31.jpg]

[Image: 1702201220-32-50.jpg]

[Image: 1702201220-35-04.jpg]

Closing stall limit
[Image: 1702201220-35-12.jpg]

[Image: 180220120-22-00.jpg]

[Image: 180220120-23-18.jpg]

[Image: 180220120-23-45.jpg]

(I enjoy full throttle)

[Image: 180220120-30-36.jpg]

[Image: 180220120-31-30.jpg]

[Image: 180220120-41-37.jpg]

I think the next Histo will rock, the modders do a wonderful job collecting and aligning mods.
Also some decent new stock maps in next Histo. And WIP F-100! ..and and and..better effects e.g. jets with fine aligned exhaust..refueling option for Fury,..new Fms...better wheels mod..canopies fixed...WIP F-100 by Freddy..++anyway, I'm blabbering, all WIP.
..keep up the good work, lebig and Freddy and all modders at Histo.

..in the meantime we all still have the last Histo which I love as well.


They look great Big Grin


Again a very late "thank you"!, Deutschmark.. Big Grin
...photobucket delete.. Big Grin :wink:
I hope to test the F-100 soon if Freddy allows me and us test dudes. :wink:

Great job my lebig editing testing versions.

He works his six off.


Cool looking plane the last one, great photos Big Grin


Big Grin

I must ask lebig who originally modded this one, I also like it very much. :mrgreen:


Hi Tom !!

I see you are flying propellers now ;o)

Very nice shots, as usual !!! When I see them, I regret not to have so much time to fly with Histo at present !!!!!

Thanks for sharing your good feelings here ;o)

Ted Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Thanks Ted and Deutschmark! Big Grin

I am glad lebig compiled these new planes into Histo. I also have not as much time as before for simming soon..so I try to get the best out it ATM. :wink: :lol:


Histomod's latest map addition, Avala's Benghalli Islands map (redux)

[Image: il2fb2012-03-0204-12-25-39.jpg]

[Image: il2fb2012-03-0204-14-23-96.jpg]

[Image: il2fb2012-03-0204-19-25-37.jpg]

[Image: il2fb2012-03-0204-21-49-10.jpg]

Confusedhock: :lol:


Hi Tom !!!

Won-der-full !!! 8)

Cheers ;o)

Ted Big Grin

Salut Ted, you are welcome as always! Big Grin
Now I kep quiet until I am allowed to post some of Freddy's F-100 screenshots once the Histo modders are there and beta testing starts. Look forward to the new jet..

Big Grin

It has been such a long time, I thought I post some Histomod shots from the last weeks of testing and funflying, what you see was modded by Freddy, lebig, Yeti, Antagorn and Co., my part was rather map testing stuff and annoying lebig with FM comments and other stuff I do not understand. :lol:
The F-100D is early WIP by master Freddy and for a future Histomod release (surely not too distant future, but not next release Big Grin ).

(Some new skins visible at the Histomod forum)
ATM WIP and not yet in advanced testing phase..

[Image: 1903201216-55-09.jpg]

[Image: 1903201216-55-53.jpg]

[Image: 1903201216-56-07.jpg]

[Image: 1903201216-56-56.jpg]

[Image: 1903201216-58-36.jpg]

[Image: 1903201216-59-11.jpg]

[Image: 1903201217-04-20.jpg]

[Image: 1903201217-28-19.jpg]


[Image: 260320122-52-08.jpg]

[Image: 260320122-56-02.jpg]

[Image: 300320125-26-21.jpg]

[Image: 0104201219-33-34.jpg]

[Image: 0104201219-35-18.jpg]

[Image: 0104201219-35-28.jpg]

[Image: 0704201217-47-37.jpg]

WOW! Very nice pictures Tom! 8)

The F-100D looks really awesome! Perfect! Big Grin

Thank you for sharing these pictures!

Jambo :wink:

WOW !!!


Really nice pics, as always... I regret not to have time to fly when I see your pictures... I remember Histomod, Electric ON, Magnetos ON, Master Engine ON, Gunsight On, Parking Brakes, Releasing belt before droping canopy...

Sure Freddy, lebig, Yeti, Antagorn and Co did a HUGE work !!! CONGRATULATIONS TO THEM ALL !!! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Ted ;o)

Outstanding art, HistoMod Team! Smile

TomFF, thank you for taking the care in your wonderful images. Smile


Very nice Thank you TomFF, that F100D will be a show stopper when its out,
great stuff Histo team. Big Grin


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