HSFX 6.0 ExternalViewDead mission entry

Bombbaydoors mod use to allow external views only when on ground or dead etc with the appropriate entry in the .mis file. These don't seem to work with HSFX 6. Am I wrong on this? Will they be added later if they're missing now?

The HSFX 6.0.1 bug-fix patch is available:


Still doesn't work...will it someday?

Fireball and I decided to drop that aspect of the code.

It was a tricky decision (because some aspects of Fireball's implimentaion IMO were better than the new views introduced in 4.11.)

It came down to how easy it is to support the code over time and official updates and this is pretty fundamental 'core' code.
The less divergence there is between major functions in HSFX and TD, the easier it is for us to support (and update also) and less likelyhood of introducing errors.

Sorry to hear it won't be supported but completely understand the rational. Thank you for the reply.

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