A Warning Siren Going Off...

This morning I received an email from West Africa. Not for the first time, I have to say. Once I had someone begging me to help them get a relative out of jail (they'll pay me back with interest, honest) and on another occaision the daughter of an assassinated diplomat who strangely changed her appearance more than once (obviously in an effort to foil enemy agents). This time it's a guy claiming to be a barrister, though he doesn't mention the legal practice he works for, who tells me that some guy has died of cancer and left $6,000,000 which I might like to claim, even though I have no connection with the deceased person nor is any confirmation of intent provided.

Guys, seriously, if you get this sort of email, ignore it.

(As an interesting aside I've also had an email some time ago from an arab sheik who wanted me to procure a pair of Antonov transport planes and crew. I would have dismissed that completely but ,lo and behold that very same week there was some kind of confuffle in the middle east. You never really know...)

Hi caldrail,

we cant spilt the money! I received this email once or twice as well! :mrgreen: :roll:

But in all seriousness - ignore, don't open any attchment if there is one - and put it into your spam folder or delete right away!

Jambo :wink:

Next time, send the money to me. I will, ehm, guarantee the transaction... :roll: (whistling)

Get money out of West Africa? Get lots of money out of West Africa? How big is your army?

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