03.11.2007, 15:41
first I wasnt really sure wheter I should involve or not but then I figured that I should not keep any information for myself only plus I somehow got trust in the il2 community - some great brains around
about the skins: I already compiled a pack in a week, which includes replacement skins (3 tga,1 tgb) for most planes (aprox 60% done but needs a lot of minor corrections, another weeks work) using the best community skins - for example I did Ki-61 but Greg Boyingtons (french skinner, weathering expert) skins are much better so I used those, the list is long....the results are stunning imho, whole airfields populated with propherly camouflaged planes adds so much to the immersion and the best is that this is only the start of things
the problem is that the skinpacks size is 2Gb+ and I doubt that this site has so much storage so I'll have to find another way which is not impossible since I'm working in the it sector
currently I'm swimming in work but in a few week I will be able to concentrate my efforts on finishing this pack
didnt meant to hijack this thred, will start an own soon
about the skins: I already compiled a pack in a week, which includes replacement skins (3 tga,1 tgb) for most planes (aprox 60% done but needs a lot of minor corrections, another weeks work) using the best community skins - for example I did Ki-61 but Greg Boyingtons (french skinner, weathering expert) skins are much better so I used those, the list is long....the results are stunning imho, whole airfields populated with propherly camouflaged planes adds so much to the immersion and the best is that this is only the start of things
the problem is that the skinpacks size is 2Gb+ and I doubt that this site has so much storage so I'll have to find another way which is not impossible since I'm working in the it sector
currently I'm swimming in work but in a few week I will be able to concentrate my efforts on finishing this pack
didnt meant to hijack this thred, will start an own soon