Manable Flak guns or Flak panzers.

Hello gents.

Did anyone try to place a gun turet or something like that inside a flak panzer so we can give a propper welcome to that low life score padding vulcher next time he shows up? :twisted: :lol:

I would like to see his face when he drops in on the flight line only to have a Wilberwind spawn on the tarmac and shred him to ribits. :mrgreen: :twisted: ....You know, that WTF look. Smile

Any type of flak will do. Bofors, Vierlig, Japanese 3x25, German 37mm, Wirlberwind. :wink:

A flak panzer would be better then a fix gun position because you could spawn it on the tarmac and then drive it to the best deffending position. But honestly, anything is better then nothing.

Anyone tried this? would it even work?

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