
Ok, I tested it and its working.

First I only added the ',2' to these two lines below, and checked the results.
Which were that there were no trees on mid-green and brown fields but the autumn fields sill had trees.

Quote:LowLand1 = land/summer/fields_midland_ian.tga,2
LowLand2 = land/Pacific/Okinawa.tga,2

then I also added the ',2' to the autumn fields and checked the results

Quote:LowLand3 = land/summer/autumnFIELDS1.tga,2

Adding ',2' removed auto generated trees everywhere, only few left. Usefull knowledge.

My final conclusion is that my Balaton map has the same amount of trees as before and the amount of trees corresponds reality.

Everybody can remove trees if he got fps problems using the described method.

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