Hilly Normandy -my new WIP

fly_zo Wrote:... no way i can do that ... for dover i used as crispy tool as it gets. Sharpness determine how slope it gets . Sorry


I seem to recall that on one of the Russian maps there is a long sheer-edged canyon or flat sided ravine. I haven't flown along it for years and can no longer remember on which map it is - you have to search hard for it, as it's a sort of 'easter egg' - but someone else might know what I'm referring to and where to find it. It was discussed on the Ubi board years ago as it's quite startling.
Anyway, assuming it can be found you might be able to use the same technique for the vertical white cliffs. This is definitely already in the game - just wish I could be more specific as to location, sorry. Cry

The other thing that occurs to me is that on some of the early desert online maps one can literally fly off the edge of the map - elevation suddenly falls away to a uniform flat plain. Any way of using that to replicate a vertical cliff face? Just thinking aloud... :wink:

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