09.12.2007, 15:26
Edelmann Wrote:Avesome work asheshouse! Glad to see , that someone build map of this part of Europe. What about aifrield? Is possible placed , implement with historic corrected aiffields i.e. Deelen, Leeuwarden, Gilze Rijen,Saint Trond , Eindhoven and much more airfields operated by Luftwaffe and allied Airforces?
Sorry for my terrible English :oops:
Your English is very good -- Sorry I cannot answer all of your questions.
Not all of the secrets of map building have yet been discovered but we hope to have reasonably soon a map which can be used in the game. To begin with there will be enough detail for visual navigation but still a lot missing. We do not know yet how to place default IL-2 airfields but level areas can be made and objects placed so that some sort of airfield can be created. At the moment I have not collected much information on airfields. If anyone has this information it would be very useful. I have already been offered info on Belgian Airfields by JV69_BADA.