Battle of France Map - Part 2 - WIP

Here is the first draft of map_h. Many thanks to Skunkmeister for his help with this one.
It is based on the use of SRTM data from
This has been pre-processed using 3DEM software
The Northeast France map uses 4 Geotiff files.
These are imported into 3DEM and the map projection changed to UTM (WGS84) which "flattens the map. This step is important for ease of alignment with other map overlays.
Shade Depth is set to 0 -- to remove shadows.
For NEFrance I have set sea level to -10 to display parts of the map below sea level.
Then the colour range is adjusted to grey scale using JV69_Bada's RGB-Height scale available here ... einfo.html
The colour range for NEFrance was set to 0m to 704m and the intermediate heights spread evenly between. I may have to redo this to reflect the non-linear scale which IL-2 seems to use. See comments below.
Each of the 4 maps has been saved as an image and then joined together in Photoshop, where final editing has been done. The result looks good as a map image and undulating areas like the Ardennes seem to be represented well however the chalk cliffs of the channel coast are poorly defined. It looks like the lower RGB scale needs to be increased in height but keeping the higher levels as they are.

---- After posting this I adjusted the Greyscale range using the Tone Curve tool in Corel Paint but it would be better to use the correct range prior to exporting the images from 3DEM. -------

Note: In the image below I have made the sea grey for presentation purposes. In the map_h.tga this is of course black.

[Image: map_h.jpg]

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