Battle of France Map - Part 2 - WIP

I thought about trying to include Arnhem but if I did it would have been right on the map edge. Its better to be able to fly circuits around a point of interest.

By leaving Arnhem out I have been able to give reasonable coverage south of the Sedan bridgehead, which is arguably the most critical point of the Battle of France. Lots of action for Luftwaffe against French armoured columns and French bombing raids against the bridges. I still want to see a TB3 skinned to look like one of the Armee de l'Air heavy bombers. The ugliest aeroplanes ever built.

I am tempted to think that I have too many minor villages included, but these are important in defining the road/rail network. In fact when you compare what I am including with what is on the existing Ardennes map my density of built up area is about the same.

I will be pressing on with plotting towns this week.

If anyone wants to help it would be useful to put together simple lists of airfields in France. I expect all this exists somewhere but I haven't looked for it yet.

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