Battle of France Map - Part 2 - WIP

Having seen all the marvellous screenshots appearing on other maps I regret that things here are not keeping up with the same rate of progress.
However here is the latest update. This is the complete rail network for Northeast France, Belgium, Southern Holland, Luxembourg, and even a little bit of Germany.

This has been traced on an 8000x5408 pixel master, which represents an area 400x270 km. To get it into the game map I will reduce to 2000x1352 and then do a preliminary tidy up of the pixels.
Following this it will go into FMB to rationalise the rail routes with the river courses. I've already completed this for the English bit.
Then finally the bridges need to be added. I might only do the principal bridges to begin with.

When the roads are added I expect there will need to be a bit more adjustment because the minimum spacing in the game is limited to 200m, the pixel spacing.

This image is coloured just for this post -- so you can make out the detail.
There maybe some modern routes included in error. If anyone spots one please let me know.

[Image: Railnetwork.jpg]

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