DCG: An idiot's Guide


If you want an anvasion, such as the invasion of Normandy, or even a fictional 1946 invasion of Japan, this is what you need to do in the roads file (.rds).

1) you need a waypt that goes from the beach to a beachhead location. The beachhead location needs to be as close as you can get to the water. Always make sure you go FROM the beach TO the beachhead. The purpose of the beachhead location is to give invading troops and units a "fallback" location in case they get overrun. After this, you can have your beach location network until it reaches the enemy supply zone. If you put static bunkers and pillboxes at the beach, it will be targeted by aircraft too.

2) You need a sea road segiment (.srd) that ends at your beachhead location. It helps if you name this sea location a harbor.

Pictorial Example

Beach to beachhead location:

[Image: Beach_Beachhead.jpg]

Beach to next location in the road route:

[Image: Beach_bridge.jpg]

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