25.12.2007, 20:09
An update to some of the stuff I have been messing around with. I am using MicroDEM to automatically assign texture RGB values to certain heights. Textures are are in the load.ini file.
Heights determined by the following RGB elevation file in MicroDEM, values are:
Min height, max height, R,G,B.
1 200 0 0 0
201 350 1 1 1
351 450 2 2 2
451 600 3 3 3
601 900 4 4 4
901 1200 5 5 5
1201 1650 6 6 6
1651 1999 7 7 7
2000 2500 8 8 8
2501 2999 9 9 9
3000 3499 10 10 10
3500 4000 11 11 11
And a taster with water
Heights determined by the following RGB elevation file in MicroDEM, values are:
Min height, max height, R,G,B.
1 200 0 0 0
201 350 1 1 1
351 450 2 2 2
451 600 3 3 3
601 900 4 4 4
901 1200 5 5 5
1201 1650 6 6 6
1651 1999 7 7 7
2000 2500 8 8 8
2501 2999 9 9 9
3000 3499 10 10 10
3500 4000 11 11 11
And a taster with water