DCG: An idiot's Guide

When you go to make the .srd and .rls files, you are going to do the same thing as with roads (.rds). you are going to make the waypts in the mission builder, save the mission files, open them up and copy the waypts into your *Mapname*.rds, *Mapname*.srd, *Mapname*.rls underneath the headings that you will make. Again, the headings each set of waypts needs to be bracketed and location names with underscores instead of spaces.

When you get to the .prd file, you will see something like this:

2.6985 64.5587
1.1124 28.5578
2.6985 28.5578
1.1124 64.5587
31.2587 13.2587
12.2365 33.2687
31.2587 33.2687
12.2365 13.2587

These are points on a map. Each point represents one of the four corners of the patrol boxes. There is an allied and an axis box. If you have a map in which only one side has a carrier, the other side MUST have a patrol box, even if they do not have a carrier. In any case, just leave the previous waypts from whatever. Since that side does not have a CV, it does not matter, but there must be a patrol box somwhere. Open up the .mis file that has your patrol box boundries, and copy the locations into the folder. Note - you will need to switch one pair of locations to get they other two corners of the bax since you only put down two corners in your .mis file.

I will copy and paste exact files of this as examples when I get home later tonight.

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