Campaigns and IL2G15Score

Aircracft selection problems seem to come about from some of the new modded flyables being included in the sound mod. They show on the brefing list on a modded game but not on an unmodded briefing. This causes the plane list not to be the same for all players either in AC shown or list order or length of the list, thus your buddies may show up in places they are not actualy in or want to be.
However an Individual player may not get into any planes listed on the briefing screen if the AC are registered as AI only on the mission file itself even though they may show on the briefing list, but if it is not actualy written in the file as "AI only" then one can select them this AC as pilot or a gunner. In some missions the builders never bothered to text this in to the mission because the AC were on the non flyable list but now with the mod they show up as flyable. If you go into the mission file and find the location of the line that listed the specific AC and write in under them the text " AI only" this disables them as being selectable.

Yes, as far as I can see if the host has the patch it should help solve the problem because the generated plane list will be his and the AC will all be shown in thea consisten order. however non modded games may still not show all the AC listed and players will need to cooordinate placement to avoid two pilots from trying to get into the same AC, which in the game can cause some intresting if not amusing results.

Dont know anything about the scoring problem.

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