DCG: An idiot's Guide

So that covers the roads and sea lanes. If you want to add a sea route for the Japanese to drop off supplies at Tarawa, you can set one up just like the American one. Also, if you want to use the villages on other islands as supply depots to be attacked, you need to add them as locations. Just put some waypts in the village, and call it X_Supply_Huts or something.

Now that we have all of the waypts for all the locations, we need to make the appropriate files. Go to your IL2/DCG/Data folder, and copy a X.rds, a X.rls, a X.srd, and a X.prd. Copy these four files and paste them into a new folder somwhere. Maybe make a new folder on your desktop and call it Campaign. Paste these into that folder and empty them out (Do NOT empty out the prd file).

Open the X.rds file and go to where you saved all of these .mis files with your road segiments. Find the first location in your road network and open that .mis file. So whith what I am doing, I would open "BetioIslandBeach_BetioIslandBeachhead." (This is what I named my file that contained those two locations). Under the [Chief_Road], highlight and copy all of the waypts. Paste them into your Tarawa.rds file. Now you need to make the header, so it should look like this:

[Betio_Island_Beach to Betio_Island_Beachhead]
35834.34 27001.30 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
35869.53 27077.54 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
35890.85 27105.27 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
35948.43 27110.60 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
35994.28 27102.07 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
35988.43 27112.20 120.00

Now close the .mis file and open up the next one in order, which should be "BetioIslandBeach_BetioIsland" (what I named my file). Make the new header and copy the waypts, so now your file should look like this:

[Betio_Island_Beach to Betio_Island_Beachhead]
35834.34 27001.30 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
35869.53 27077.54 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
35890.85 27105.27 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
35948.43 27110.60 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
35994.28 27102.07 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
35988.43 27112.20 120.00
[Betio_Island_Beach to Betio_Island]
35994.28 27102.07 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
35988.43 27112.20 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
35899.85 27299.22 120.00

Keep doing this for every location in your road network. When you have copied them all, save and close the Tarawa.rds file, after you name it to something similar.

Does everyone understand? You make these waypts in the full mission builder, save each segiment as a .mis file to get the waypts. You open them up and copy them into the DCG file to keep track of the locations. Any questions on this?

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