Battle of France Map - Part 2 - WIP

This is a shot of Abbeville, on the Somme Canal. The German forces established a bridgehead here south of the river which was held against allied ground and air attacks until the mopping up operation in the north was completed.

I've been using this to familiarise myself with bridge building. Minimum bridge is 3 pixels, 600m, in a straight line, made up of 200m of bridge and 200m of road each side. This is a major constraint in densely built up areas and a lot of manual adjustment is required to fit within the game constraints.

The bridge can only be put on ground at zero level so some height adjustment is also required. I am keeping a common field texture at the moment because it makes it easy to select the road and rail elements form the map_T as amended by FMB and drop it into the roads layer of my master map_T file. I will substitute a more suitable field texture later.

Main effort this week is to plot all of the forest areas. I've made a good start on the Ardennes which is the main forest block but still have a lot to do.

On this image there are a couple of odd things appearing.
Texture tearing can be seen, discussed in another thread.
The far view seems to be washed out with light grey texture - not certain whats causing this, or what needs to be edited to control far views. Any ideas?

[Image: Screenshot-13.jpg]

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