08.01.2008, 02:57
delayed start....like the time-out for artillery.....to be able to have the smoke or fire or lights come on...a certain time after the mission starts...maybe we set it to 10 minutes after mission starts (when our bombs have dropped...to make more smoke/fire at the target)
even if there is no setting box in the FMB ...perhaps we could set it in the .mis file in notepad...?
...and I found that your jpg mod causes my game to freeze and have to use Task manager to exit...is this to work with 4.09bm too?
even if there is no setting box in the FMB ...perhaps we could set it in the .mis file in notepad...?
...and I found that your jpg mod causes my game to freeze and have to use Task manager to exit...is this to work with 4.09bm too?