
I keep getting "wrong target" errors. I add a new map to the conf.ini as noted above (lets say I add Kiev and Lvov). I also make sure that the maps are in the filelist.txt; and of course I know the game has loaded these maps into its initialization because I can load these maps (and just to be clear --- all the custom maps provided on this site) in FMB without a problem.

I then have made sure there are two missions for that map within the QMB folder (mapxxxBlueNone00.mis and mapxxxRedNone00.mis). I have tried using missions for that map created within campaigns (and I edited out the "Target" parameter within the mission file using notepad) or just creating a generic MIS file with the relevant map using FMB and then moving it into the QMB folder.

I have even copied existing NONE mission files provided with this install of QMBPlus and simply changed the map name inside the file and of course the file name to reflect the correct map as added to the conf.ini. Yet I still get "Wrong Target" errors when trying to start a mission with a map (and yes I make sure that None is selected for a target when in QMB)

Footnote --- the new maps added with the default install of QMB1.1 work just fine (just to be clear).

I would be helpful if someone could explain what causes the "wrong target" error and where we would should look to correct entries within mission files to eliminate it.


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