Battle of France Map - Part 2 - WIP

Things have been on hold while I sorted out my messed up IL-2 installation, and got distracted by other work pressures.

Time to press on.

Experiments with textures have pointed the way forward but before getting too much into that I need to sort out the road/rail network properly. I extracted road and rail from my map_T and did some work on it separately in the image editor to sort out odd gaps and to insert the correct RGB values for road/rail crossings. This was pretty quick to do in Photoshop Elements.

I now have the edited network back in the game file and need to get all of the bridges put in place. This will involve adjusting the road/rail network again because you need a 4 pixel straight to insert the smallest size of bridge. The road/rail segments link to the centre of each pixel so 4 pixel=600m of straight road. In dense areas this takes a bit of "artists license" to get the links in and still retain the right appearance.

To help with planning my bridge building I've printed out a map just showing water and road/rail. At the moment the road network is only the principal roads. It will probably be necessary to add some country roads as well, but I'll do that later. I haven't counted up all the bridges yet, but there is a lot of them. I've only got about 10 put in so far, enough to learn the tricks but now I need to up the production rate.

[Image: Screenshot-22.jpg]

----- Following this post, completed another 25 bridges, which covers all of the bit of England which shows, plus 15 already done in Europe. 40 total. --- This is going to be a long slog. Glad I didn't show all of the rivers! --- Total up to 64 now.

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