Somebody had too much beer last night?

lowfighter Wrote:Avala, if possible could you try this with the broad tree(the one in my screenshot)? I'm really a noob about image processing so maybe if you make it work and then come with an idiot's guide for me I'd be very greatful Big Grin

I could try, but I don’t understand what your goal with changing that tree is? If you can tell me that.

In the meanwhile maybe the key for that white (which is alpha channel) lies in .mat file for that tree. Here it is: base.mat from the folder: 3DO\Tree\Broad1

ClassName TMaterial
tfDoubleSide 0
tfShouldSort 0
tfDropShadow 0
tfGameTimer 1
Ambient 1.0
Diffuse 1.0
Specular 0
SpecularPow 0
Shine 0.0
TextureName tree2x2.tga
Frame 0.0
VisibleDistanceNear 0.0
VisibleDistanceFar 10000.0
TextureCoordScale 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
ColorScale 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
AlphaTestVal 0.5
tfWrapX 1
tfWrapY 1
tfMinLinear 1
tfMagLinear 1
tfMipMap 1
tfBlend 0
tfBlendAdd 0
tfTestA 0
tfTestZ 1
tfUpDateClear 0
tfModulate 1
tfNoTexture 0
tfAnimatePalette 0
tfAnimateSkippedFrames 0

I think that that in red is what you want to play with. By the way you can make whole tree invisible or like ghostly seting values in yelows on „1“ :mrgreen:

I am not much of a expert, but i think that much can be done with that .mat files

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