Somebody had too much beer last night?

My 4 YO daughter would love an HK anything Smile

BTW, a few ideas:

1. Clone a ship into an Object (point to the mesh for a ship in static.ini). Use a custom texture to make it look wrecked. Set the height above the ground to a negative number. Might work, no?

2. Clone a small ship that has some small AA (say 20mm). Remove parts of the ship that don't have the gun(s). Make the ship invisible, not the gun(s). Place it on land. We now have AAA with the "delay" value ships have so we can surprise airfields. Imaging a field with historical amounts of AAA, but it takes them a couple minutes to get their act together. You get ONE pass, lol.

Alternately on #2, we make a new ship that consists of a AAA emplacement (sand bag circle, log emplacement, or that piled dirt one), with the AAA installed. Same deal, it's a stationary SHIP, so we have additional control over the AI (quality, ROF, delay).


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